Re: RDFa and Web Directions North 2009

On Feb 16, 2009, at 11:20, Ivan Herman wrote:

> I would like to have one point of clarification, if I may...
> Henri Sivonen wrote:
> [snip]
>> This problem can be addressed by using absolute URIs instead of  
>> and phasing out CURIEs by declaring xmlns:http="http:" on the XML  
>> side
>> during the transition. (If that makes the predicates annoyingly long,
>> what you have is a fundamental problem with the idea of using URIs as
>> identifiers as opposed to using them for application-level  
>> addressing on
>> the Internet. In that case, you should address that problem  
>> directly on
>> the level of the RDF model instead of trying to push the annoyance
>> around syntactically.)
>> If you wish to get new features added to HTML5 and the proposed  
>> syntax
>> depends on element or attribute names that contain the colon  
>> (xmlns:foo
>> in this case), you are just asking for trouble because the colon is
>> special in XML but not in text/html (and if you ask making it  
>> special in
>> text/html, too, you are asking more than just adding a few  
>> attributes).
> Your approach is to phase out CURIE-s altogether on technical grounds.
> However, isn't it correct that those issues disappear if the current
> @xmlns:ABCD mechanism is exchanged against a @prefix="ABCD=blabla"
> approach?

Yes, the DOM Consistency issue would disappear if, and only if, also  
the XHTML side used @prefix instead of @xmlns:ADCD.

(It would leave the problem that prefix-based indirection in itself  
confuses people--sometimes in bug-inducing ways. See for example:

Henri Sivonen

Received on Monday, 16 February 2009 10:02:31 UTC