Re: [Proposal] ISSUE-42: How does RDFa deal with @src

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> Anyone else have a view? In particular are there any use cases for
> knowing that something is an image, independent of a value in @rel or
> @rev?

On this issue, I think I agree with Ivan regarding the xh:img triple: it
will seem inconsistent. Why IMG and not OBJECT, TABLE (gasp, tables?),
LINK, SCRIPT, etc..?

>> Also, are we sure that
>> <s> rdfs:label "alt".
>> is the best representation for this?

I don't have a strong opinion on this one.

> Right. That's fine, and I can go either way. The only thing that I
> think we do have to discuss though, is @class. My other proposals are
> about generating 'extra' triples (like 'xyz is an image'), the use of
> @class on an <img> is something that is already allowed, and we
> therefore need to provide an interpretation.

I agree that we need to provide an interpretation for class="xy:zz" on
an img. I think it's clear that this applies to the IMG, but I think we
don't need to special-case it too much. We've already set the precedent
that @REL automatically sets the subject of all contained triples,
including any triple generated by @CLASS, to be the OBJECT (in that case
a bnode, but the OBJECT nevertheless). I think we can carry this rule
over. If there's a REL on an IMG, then @SRC acts like @HREF and becomes
the subject for all triples generated by contained elements. Thus @CLASS
is the rdf:type of the @SRC attribute.

I believe this carries over to the following situation involving an
anchor rather than an IMG:

<a rel="dc:creator" href=""

I'm pretty sure that should be interpreted as:

<> rdf:type foaf:Person .


Now, what to do if there is a @REV? I think the same thing applies,
actually, meaning that @SRC is the subject of the @REV predicate, but
*also* of the @CLASS rdf:type and all contained elements.

One last thing: I think all of above should apply to OBJECT/@SRC.


Received on Thursday, 21 June 2007 19:24:27 UTC