moving forward!

Hi all,

I suspect we're all hitting a little bit of spec fatigue. That said, we
need to push through! We have one relatively important issue to cover
(how striping really works), and a handful of smaller issues.

So, *everyone* should take an action to think about and contribute
thoughts on this list to the following issues, some time before Thursday.

1) Striping. @rel everywhere is hugely useful, but it does complicate
things. Mark's latest description of what we should do:

and my proposed tweak with complete rules:

2) the attribute name we should pick for rdf:type. It seems the only two
real contenders so far are @instanceof, and @kind. I recently proposed
@resourcetype, though haven't heard any feedback.

Time to submit last suggestions including your top preference!

3) RDF containers and collections

Last proposal and discussion:

4) xml:lang

We mentioned some solutions to this in the default datatype issue:

are we okay with the conclusion of this with respect to xml:lang?

5) The @src attribute on IMG. I think this one is pretty much done, but
we need to resolve it:

<img about="#me" rel="foaf:image" src="ben.jpg" instanceof="foaf:Image" />


<#me> foaf:image <ben.jpg> .
<ben.jpg> rdf:type foaf:Image .

Any remaining issues on this for XHTML1.1+RDFa? I don't think so, but
speak up if you do!


Received on Monday, 23 July 2007 16:26:23 UTC