Re: possible bug in SPARQL syntax test suite

Correct - this is :test_52 in the manifest and it's commented out of the 
list of tests in the manifest:

The manifest has:

# :test_52	# obsoleted by decision to allow colons in prefixname local 
parts, but not allow them to be escaped

Do you drive your test harness off the manifest or directly from the 
files in the directory?

(Personally, I wanted to remove tests that weren't active)


On 18/12/12 01:36, Jeen Broekstra wrote:
> In running the syntax tests over the latest update of the SPARQL test
> suite, I encountered the following positive test, which fails for me:
> The query is the following:
> PREFIX og: <>
> 	?page og:audio\:title ?title
> }
> As far as I can tell, this test case is out of date: colons in prefixed
> localnames are no longer to be escaped, and grammar production
> does no longer contain the ':' character as a legal value for escaping.
> There is a negative syntax test which covers exactly the same issue:
> Query:
> PREFIX : <http://example/>
> {
>    :a :b :c\:z .
> }
> Clearly, these two tests are contradicting each other, and I suspect
> that the first one should be removed.
> Regards,
> Jeen

Received on Tuesday, 18 December 2012 09:47:01 UTC