RDFLib plugin for JSON-LD implementation report


The Python-based JSON-LD plugin for RDFLib [1] passes 97% of the JSON-LD
tests for fromRdf and toRdf [2]. The EARL report in Turtle format can be
found at [3].

The four failing tests are:

* fromRdf-0002, toRdf-0035, toRdf-0101 – fail due to the underlying RDFLib
Literal implementation, which doesn't preserve the lexical represtation for
(e.g.) double values; and
* fromRdf-0008 – fails since compact lists-of-lists are supported in this
implementation, although it is now allowed per the specification.

The implementation also supports flattening, compaction and expansion, but
only to/from RDF graphs/datasets. It thus cannot be tested against the test
suite, which targets the directly JSON-based mechanics of the algorithms.


[1] https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib-jsonld
[2] http://json-ld.org/test-suite/

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:39:27 UTC