from October 2008 by subject

[Bug 3784] fn:trace is cumbersome with static typing

[Bug 4189] [FS] technical: 8.1.9 Type expansion correct?

[Bug 5288] [XQuery] XPST0005 and conditional expressions

[Bug 5308] [XSLT 2.0] Timezone Z in format-dateTime()

[Bug 5452] [FS] Static type of namespace axis

[Bug 5696] [XQuery 1.1] Feature request to aid static typing

[Bug 5727] [XQuery] Syntax ambiguities with leading "/"

[Bug 5786] [FS] improve static typing of fn:trace()

[Bug 5804] [XQuery] Version numbers in XQuery version declarations

[Bug 5819] [XQuery 1.1] "may not be identical"

[Bug 5849] [XSLT 2.0] xsl:number problem

[Bug 5893] [XSLT 2.0] Allow explicit setting of doctype-system and doctype-public to null

[Bug 5915] [FS] rules for XPST0005

[Bug 5939] [FO] Unintuitive results from op:time-equal

[Bug 5975] FT and FTUC: Attribute tokenization and searching

[Bug 5977] [FT] Match Options and Positional Filters in FT expressions

[Bug 5978] [FS] text adjustment of non-mixed complex types

[Bug 6094] [FT] Constraints on score variables?

[Bug 6105] [FT] Test Suite cont.

[Bug 6131] [XPath 2.1] Requirement: context-free paths

[Bug 6131] New: [XPath 2.1] Requirement: context-free paths

[Bug 6133] New: Definition of user-defined function, function-body could be improved

[Bug 6148] New: [F+O] Requirement: string replace without regex

[Bug 6152] New: Superfluous Namespace Declarations

[Bug 6152] Superfluous Namespace Declarations

[Bug 6157] [XQTS] Use of location hints in "modules-schema-context"

[Bug 6157] New: [XQTS] Use of location hints in "modules-schema-context"

[Bug 6160] [FS] 7.1.1 The fs:convert-operand function: incorrect type rules

[Bug 6160] New: [FS] 7.1.1 The fs:convert-operand function: incorrect type rules

[Bug 6164] [XSLT] Description of compatibility mode for key function is ambiguous

[Bug 6164] New: [XSLT] Description of compatibility mode for key function is ambiguous

[Bug 6178] [FT] Syntax of the "weight" option

[Bug 6178] New: Syntax of the "weight" option

[Bug 6186] New: [XSL 2.0] References to Unicode specification

[Bug 6195] New: [FT] TestSuite - StopWords & Thesaurus

[Bug 6196] New: [FT] TestSuite - Syntax

[Bug 6197] New: [FT] TestSuite - AnyAllOption

[Bug 6198] New: [FT] TestSuite - Weight 0

Last message date: Friday, 31 October 2008 07:56:23 UTC