PROV-ISSUE-260 (TLebo): In Note section: cite prov:Provenance as better practice to annotate assertions. [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-260 (TLebo): In Note section: cite prov:Provenance as better practice to annotate assertions. [prov-dm]

Raised by: Timothy Lebo
On product: prov-dm

Please add a note to section Note to encourage people to use Account / AccountEntity/ Provenance to annotate provenance assertions as a better practice. When using AccountEntity, the annotated thing can be described _directly_ as a single triple instead of using Notes. Notes are very much "scruffy  provenance" and do not benefit from the directness afforded by AccountEntity / prov:Provenance.

:prov_1 {
 :simon a prov:Human;
        prov:hasAnnotation [ 
             a prov:Note; ex3:reputation "excellent";
             rdfs:comment "This is a kludge way to get indirection. Use prov:Provenance instead.";

:prov_2 {
  :simon ex3:reputation "excellent" .

:prov_1 a prov:Provenance; prov:wasAttributedTo :first_asserter .
:prov_2 a prov:Provenance; prov:wasAttributedTo :trust_evaluator_agent.


Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2012 18:17:17 UTC