Re: Comments on "[P3P]: Beyond HTTP"

So one alternative is to reference the policy file directly for web 
services rather than the policy reference file. Another alternative is 
to use the extension mechanism to create a more appropriate type of 
reference for web services inside the policy reference file. This 
reference would designate an appropriate scope for a policy that is 
applicable to web services. I don't know enough about what I am talking 
about here to know which would be preferable... but I would like you to 
consider both possibilities.


On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 05:59  PM, Joseph Reagle wrote:

> Hugo, thank you for this extensive (tutorial!) email!
> On Monday 16 June 2003 05:14, Hugo Haas wrote:
>> So, anyway, in order to make things concrete, let's try to address the
>> second case: expressing a URI to a P3P policy document. I think that
>> it is more useful than expressing the URI to a policy reference since
>> a WSDL description would already give a list of policies for each
>> service. Again, this would probably be up for discussion.
> I still can't say I understand all of this Feature and WSDL stuff, but 
> I
> think you have a very important point there. A Policy Reference file
> designates a (1) life time (expiration), (2) policies, (3) and set of 
> paths
> for a web site (via INCLUDE and EXCLUDE) where those policies apply.
> Basically a set of URIs over which one does HTTP methods (GET, POST, 
> PUT)
> That makes lots of sense for browsing a web sites, but not so much for 
> Web
> Service.
> In the Web Service case one will be doing port names (operations) as 
> applied
> to a soap:address? In which case, a Policy Reference file isn't really
> needed.
>> --8<----
>> P3P feature
>> - Name
>> - Description
>> The P3P feature is used to indicate the P3P policy governing the use
>> of a service.
>> - Properties
>> The P3P feature defines a single property:
>>   Property name:
>>   Property type:
>>   	xsd:anyURI
>> The value of the property is the
>> identifier for the P3P policy governing the use of the service.
> So we sort of have this, less formally, and we haven't given ita 
> special
> "feature" URI...
>> Which makes me wonder: are policy reference file useful to Web
>> services? With WSDL and something like a P3P feature, wouldn't the
>> problem addressed by policy reference files taken care of?
> Yes, I think so. So in our scenario, we'd still want the Policy 
> Reference
> file for the XForms/XHTML aspect, but not for the registrar to registry
> aspect.
> Patrick, is your understanding sufficient that you have a sense of what
> changes we could make to our document? I still need to keep thinking it
> through for myself....

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 20:16:06 UTC