Re: Implementations of LCS for OWL

Chris Mungall <> writes:
> On Apr 29, 2010, at 5:58 AM, Bijan Parsia wrote:
>>> Ideally the implementation would be open source and well-integrated with
>>> current tools (e.g. works with the OWLAPI and/or OWLlink). I'd  be willing
>>> to work a little on the plumbing, but not for closed  source tools.
>> So my first question is about what you need it for and whether true LCS is
>> what you need.
> The immediate application is semantic similarity (of which there are many many
> measures; the ones I am particularly interested in involve  calculation of a
> LCS). An approximation of an LCS may be perfectly  acceptable.


Most of the semantic similarity measures work on a graph rather than a
set of axioms; despite their names, they rarely obey semantics of the
ontology. For example, when I did this over GO, I just ignored the edge
semantics entirely and treated all equally. 

Given this, the solution seems to me to be the one that Alan ruled out;
get to a graph as quickly as possible. Just calculate the LCS over a
reasoned hierarchy. 


Received on Friday, 30 April 2010 08:26:13 UTC