
Andreas, if the documents will not be stable, is there an urgency to putting them in W3 namespace, or would it be fine to wait until they aren’t changing every month?

On Dec 11, 2014, at 12:58 AM, wrote:

> Phil Archer schrieb: 
>> Let's see if we can make rapid progress on hosting the vocab at /ns/opengov. I'm afraid I haven't been tracking progress in the CG so can you please set out what you're after? What sort of usage do you have/expect etc. How stable is it now? Are we talking about frequent updates etc? Do you have it in multiple serialisations etc?
> I intend to create a first draft before the end of this year. That will include both Popolo and OpenGovLD. Both are still growing but I consider large parts to be quite stable. The status of individual properties will be described using Hydra. 
> Serializations will be HTML and JSON-LD at a minimum, maybe Turtle as well. 
> I expect updates about once a month. Probably more within the first two months. 
> The main intended usage is for Linked Data applications JSON-LD. Most data for some time likely will be experimental. It is difficult to predict, but I suppose and hope that this will change during 2015. 
> Does that answer yur questions? 
>> I think for now updates etc. will need to be posted by me by hand - which I'm happy to do. We'd love to have a nice easy to use tool but no one has had the time to build that so for now... it's all very manual. Unless there's a reason not to, please write to me directly and cc your CG's mailing list so we have a public archive.

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2014 16:38:48 UTC