Re: Style

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Bob Morris <> wrote:
> Some would argue that this problem is best solved by the display
> application provided only that the different specific targets are
> distinguished from one another by something. It's the classic HTML
> argument about  distinction between semantic and formatting tags.

This doesn't seem to address the most basic issue that Style solves,
and was brought up by Shannon:
How does a client know that a black border will not appear over top of
a black image, nor a white border over a white image?
And by extension, a red border over top of a red segment of an image.

If anyone has a real solution to that practical issue, I'd love to
hear it.  Otherwise I would recommend following the consensus of the
first telecon, documented in the wiki:
    We keep oa:Style and add oax:CssStyle as the only subclass.

> In the case of preferring particular colors, what is supposed to
> happen, say, for an annotation consumer with a color vision deficit?

Don't do that then. Style is always only a hint, not an ultimatum.


Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 16:56:36 UTC