Re: [Extensible Web] Getting things done

|  Who is "us"? :)

Good first question :) By "us" I meant Brian Kardell and myself as we both 
got the idea of kickstarting this group :-) At this time, we're just 
discovering the tools we got in hand, and trying to make this group "known" 
in the outside world.

By the way, I think that if some of us could publish a blog post announcing 
they joined the group and explaining why they did so and what they expect 
from the group, it would be a nice way to get to know each other (and 
getting known by more people at the same time).

|  Also sounds good. Can I recommend you also set up an org on Github and 
start adding participants there?

Certainly! Starter code & advices is one of the most important deliverable 
of our group, and Github seems to be "the" way to go. I'm new to Github 
organizations so I'm unsure about how to add you, but I'm eager to learn :-)

|  Also, it would be nice before you write the blog post to
|  lay down what you had in mind with the group and what
|  the goals are.

I think the goals of this group are:
    - collect good samples of polyfill and get the polyfill concept "known".
    - analyze existing polyfills and spec new browser's features that would 
make them easier to create.
    - create samples and guidelines for polyfills writer.
    - get the concept of "forward polyfill" known by the other W3C groups 
and encourage spec editors to create prototypes.

(but this is a rough list that can probably be refined over time)

|  To achieve the above, we would need a good sample of
|  the best polyfills out there to see how they do stuff.

Totally right. Feel free to add the polyfills you know to the list of the 
wiki: I think 
one of our task will clearly be to read the code of those polyfills and try 
to deduce the "common patterns".

|  We should also drag in people like Remy Sharp & Paul Irish


Received on Sunday, 11 November 2012 20:06:44 UTC