Re: business models

Hi Renjish,

>     Yes, covering the best practices of a MW4D business
> ecosystem (players involved in deployment and the end-impact analysis)
> will be useful, in addition to the technology platforms and tools.
> Nicolas, I have been searching for some objective impact analysis of
> ICT4D that can be generalized beyond the cases covered. For a moment, I
> thought your Monday keynote speech on WBCSD was that... But I think most
> presentations there focus on sustainable development in general and not
> specific to the application of technology. right?
> Nevertheless, I feel that a WBCSD like approach for MW4D impact could be
> interesting to consider...

i didn't know WBSCD. interesting reference:

>  You say:
> "What I call a non-commercial model is a model where the integration of
> an ICT service has the objective to increase the efficiency or the
> coverage of a particular non-ICT activity, typically the provision of a
> public service such as agriculture extension or education."
> By this, did you mean that all MW4D technology projects applied on
> non-ICT areas are non-commercial?

not at all. for me a non-commercial model is a model where the service 
provider does not aim at selling anything to anybody, but use ICT to do 
a better job for the same amount of spending. So using an ict service to 
replace or improve a non-ict ones. What i meant is that at the origin of 
the project you should clearly identify if you targetting a commercial 
or non-commercial model. I will clarify.
agriculture and education are not in essence commercial or 
non-commercial. It is a decision at the beginning. when you work on a 
specific project, you should decide at the beginning if this is going to 
be a (direct or indirect) commercial service or not. The tasks you will 
conduct will be different depending on the case.

> Business models shouldn't be classified
> based on an application area or product, it should instead be purely
> based on the ecosystem relations....

100% agreed i believe it is an optin for the service provider, and it 
shuold be clearly clarified and selected at the beginning.

> Sorry, I missed the last meeting. Can you pls. post the minutes and also
> notify when we have our next meeting?

Our next meeting will be next monday, Jan 18. the last one, Jan 4 has 
been canceled due to lack of participants. So the official last one was 
Dec 21, and minutes has been posted 
( )

> Regards
> Renjish
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Stephane Boyera <
> <>> wrote:
>     Dear All,
>     i would like to react of Nicolas's mail about business models:
>     I didn't have a chance to read the resources he pointed, but i'm
>     realizing that there are very few documented examples of working
>     business models. I just wrote a post about that at
> and
>     i think it would be useful to collect people's experience, or
>     resources they have to come with a better view of what has been
>     tested, how it works, and so on. So, first, please let me know if
>     this is something this group should cope with. Then please share
>     your own experience and references if you have any.
>     Cheers
>     Steph
>     --
>     Stephane Boyera <>
>     W3C                             +33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
>     BP 93                           fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
>     F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,
>     France

Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Monday, 11 January 2010 14:29:09 UTC