Re: [Fwd: Build a Mobile Friendly Site using your Mobile]

Hi Kai and All,

> I think it's too early to consider the Web will be created
> meaningfully from a mobile device. Editing from something like a EEEPC
> will go much further in the short term.

I tend to believe that the ongoing discussion on htis topic is indeed a 
bit early, but i wanted to forward the information as i know some people 
are interested in this area of authoring from phones.

Later in time, i'm sure we will ending up discussing the different means 
of developing content. I'm sure there is not one solution that fits all, 
but different options depending on the situation, the services,...

my own view:

- for a grassroot/non-profit that want to setup a service for a 
community, i tend to think that they would have access to e.g. an 
internet cafe which is a far easiest solution to do some coding. or they 
might have one or two computer to host their own service.
- for a governmental institution to develop a service, they would have 
their own computers and infrastructure
- for an individual entrepreneur, member of a community in a very remote 
area who want to start something new, perhaps having tools to allow him 
to do some simple service development from his phone is what he needs. 
and here they are indeed multiple options: CMS, blogs, the mobigalore 
stuff, but ...
- then of course, not about development of services, but availability of 
information, having a way to update or create information from mobile 
phones on the web is imho essential: e.g. we all heard about agriculture 
services based on market price exchange. So here users or actors of the 
services need to be able to create/update content from their phone, nad 
this is yet another use case.

I think it will be up to this group to identify the different categories 
  of use cases and associated needs like i just sketched, and see what 
are the pieces existing today, their strenght and limitation, and where 
potential new concept/tool/... might have an impact.


Stephane Boyera
W3C    +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 34
BP 93    fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
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Received on Thursday, 31 July 2008 06:07:34 UTC