mlw-lt-track-ISSUE-8 (id value rules): id granularity and maintenance requirements and rules

mlw-lt-track-ISSUE-8 (id value rules): id granularity and maintenance requirements and rules

Raised by: David Lewis
On product: 

This issue pertains to which level of granularity and maintenance we require for element identification and what is the trade-off in terms of source document structure impact.

Options include the following and perhaps cascading combinations of these:
- use of existing ID only
- use of rules for composite ID made up of exisitng attributes, their values and also element markup (see
- more invasive markup such as xml:tm ( refrnece in OASIS OAXAL framework
- standoff pointers for fragments id such as in 

Has been discussed under thred starting in relation to proposed idvalue data category.

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 23:11:42 UTC