RV: [M2 milestone] Domain and Localization Note HTML output

Hi Leroy, Dom,


I’ve just noticed that my output isn’t uploaded to the outputimplementors in
the github although Mauricio’s is. We sent it separated so maybe that led
you to confusion, sorry for that! I forward it again in case you have
misplaced the previous mail.


On the other hand I asked you a question regarding the use of the index on
the elements’ path of the test suite output (at the end of mail below), so
if we’re going to use the index in all the elements, why not the html too?





Hi Leroy, Dom,


Find attached the output generated by our engine.


Just a few considerations:

With respect to the definition of some of the features for HTML I think they
are not right.

-          Global - Linked rules      translate1html.html -> It’s ok

-          Global - Linked rules <its:param>            translate6html.html
-> It’s ok

-          Local - In host element translate2html.html -> It’s ok

-          Global (with //*) and local rules
translate3html.html -> It doesn’t have local rules but a local metadata

-          Global (with /doc) and local rules            translate4html.html
-> It doesn’t have either local rules or a doc element and has inheritance

-          Global and local rules (inheritance)        translate5html.html
-> It doesn’t have inheritance


As for Domain:

-          On the file domain2html.html the meta description is <meta
name="description" content="auto"/> and on the rules file the domainMapping
is domainMapping="automotive auto, medical medicine, 'criminal law' law,
'property law' law", in this case I think that the meta description should
be <meta name="description" content="automotive"/> so as the output to be


-          On the file domain3html.html the meta description is <meta
name="description" content="sports"/> and on the rules file the
domainMapping  is domainMapping="'sports law' law, 'labor law' law,
'contract law' law, 'competition law' law,'tort law' law", in this case I
think that the meta description should be <meta name="description" content="
sports  law"/> so as the output to be domains="law" but the output of the
Test Suite says domains="sports", that doesn’t make much sense, does it? 


Finally regarding the output:


I have a problem when printing the path of the elements, for instance for
the test file translate2html.html the Test Suite output is:

/html    translate="yes"

/html/head[1]  translate="yes"

/html/head[1]/meta[1]               translate="yes"

/html/head[1]/meta[1]/@charset         translate="no"

/html/head[1]/title[1]  translate="yes"

/html/body[1]  translate="yes"

/html/body[1]/p[1]       translate="yes"

/html/body[1]/p[1]/span[1]      translate="no"

/html/body[1]/p[1]/span[1]/@translate             translate="no"

/html/body[1]/p[1]/span[2]      translate="no"

/html/body[1]/p[1]/span[2]/@translate             translate="no"


Mine is:

/html    translate="yes"

/html/head        translate="yes"

/html/head/meta           translate="yes"

/html/head/meta/@charset     translate="no"

/html/head/title             translate="yes"

/html/body        translate="yes"

/html/body/p   translate="yes"

/html/body/p/span[1] translate="no"

/html/body/p/span[1]/@translate        translate="no"

/html/body/p/span[2] translate="no"

/html/body/p/span[2]/@translate        translate="no"


The problem is that when the element doesn’t have a sibling PHP doesn’t
print the array brackets, e.g. head, meta, title, body, p… in this example,
since there is only just one element I don’t consider it wrong but I imagine
that you will have problems comparing this file with the Test Suite’s. I can
try to find a workaround if you this troublesome.


Thank you!


Pablo Nieto Caride

Dpto. Técnico/I+D+i

Linguaserve Internacionalización de Servicios, S.A.

Tel.: +34 91 761 64 60 ext. 0422
Fax: +34 91 542 89 28 

E-mail:  <mailto:pablo.nieto@linguaserve.com> pablo.nieto@linguaserve.com

www.linguaserve.com <http://www.linguaserve.com/> 


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Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 11:39:42 UTC