RE: ACTION: The order of HTTP Headers

> > However, it also leads me to ask whether a moki document will
> > form part of that comparison? Surely we will be comparing the
> > format? If that is RDF then I suppose we will have to use an RDF
tool to
> > make the comparison?
> Roland requested that we incorporate the moki document into the unit
> tests for each test. Unless it causes undue burden, I think it's good
> to validate this output as well.

What I don't understand is how we are to create the expected result
version of the moki doc. I think the main point is to make sure that the
checker throws the right FAILs and WARNs for a given input. However, I'm
not sure that one can test the operation of the pre-processor that way.
So fwiw I'm all for including the moki doc in the output, just don't
make it part of the comparison. (and anyway, what about the things that
_must_ change, like Date?)


Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 15:40:37 UTC