Re: Citation Cluster

On 10 Dec 2010, at 11:01, Kai Eckert wrote:

> I created an illustration that hopefully sheds some light on the model that we so far had in mind. It is linked in the cluster document [1], here is the direct link.
> I thought about the proper naming of the involved classes and now have the following three:
> BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCE: A book, paper, article, ... publication
> REFERENCE: An entry in the bibliography / references of a BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCE
> CITATION: A citation within the text, for example when a direct quotation is made, linked to a REFERENCE.
> As I understand the current discussion, the question is, if the REFERENCE as an own class is needed, or if we can just represent it as a Bibliographic Resource, i.e. directly link the cited resource. I think we need it to organize the citations in a bibliographic resource.

It may be useful to have its own class: sometimes there is confusion about which bibliographic resource the item refers to. There may be a reference with no corresponding bibliographic resource--the item may have never existed, not been published at the expected time/location, or be unavailable for others to consult (i.e. MS burned in a fire, personal communication).

I would also widen the notion of resources: any document, personal communication, ... can be listed in the references section of a published work.

> Another question might be, if we want to repeat the bibliographic information for the reference, if we can directly link the bibliographic resource that is identified by the reference. One reason might be the desire to represent the actual information that is found in the reference list. Of course we could always introduce a Bibliographic Resource and add the information there. In this case, at a later point in time a mapping by owl:sameAs could take place. But then it would be at least difficult to regain the information that was found originally in the bibliography.

Bibliographic resources should have representations (possibly multiple representations). In future bibliographies, we would want to specify references with the identifier but display a human-readable version.

For legacy bibliographies, an indication of the actual text in the reference list is useful: for one thing, it exists, and we might want to know how to refer to it.


> Does that make sense?
> Cheers,
> Kai
> [1]
> Am 09.12.2010 13:51, schrieb Tillett, Barbara:
>> Why is "citation" not just an application of using bibliographic data that identifies a bibliographic entity?  Isn't the bibliographic data part (separate from the relationship information connecting the cited work and the citing work) the same as in a bibliographic record (granted less)? - Barbara
>> Barbara B. Tillett, Ph.D.
>> Chief, Policy&  Standards Division
>> Library of Congress
>> 101 Independence Ave., SE
>> Washington, D.C. 20540-4260
>> U.S.A.
>> tel: +1 (202) 707-4714
>> fax: +1 (202) 707-6629
>> email:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On Behalf Of Kai Eckert
>> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:02 AM
>> To: public-xg-lld;
>> Subject: Citation Cluster
>> Dear all,
>> Ed, Peter and I further worked on the curation of the citation cluster and as promised (ACTION delivered), I now created a wiki page:
>> Cheers,
>> Kai
>> --
>> =============================================
>> Kai Eckert
>> KR&  KM Research Group
>> Universität Mannheim
>> B6, 23-29; Building B; Room B 1.15
>> D-68159 Mannheim
>> Tel.:  +49 621 181 2332
>> Fax:   +49 621 181 2682
>> WWW:
>> ---------------------------------------------
> -- 
> =============================================
> Kai Eckert
> KR&  KM Research Group
> Universität Mannheim
> B6, 23-29; Building B; Room B 1.15
> D-68159 Mannheim
> Tel.:  +49 621 181 2332
> Fax:   +49 621 181 2682
> WWW:
> ---------------------------------------------

Received on Friday, 10 December 2010 13:33:04 UTC