Re: ISSUE-33

hello sergio.

On 2013-02-11 18:14 , "Sergio Fernández"
<> wrote:
>On 11/02/13 17:58, Wilde, Erik wrote:
>> On 2013-02-11 17:48 , "Sergio Fernández"
>>>* HTML resources using rel="next" rel="prev" headers
>>that's a bit surprising here. that really doesn't have anything to do
>> range requests.
>Exactly, two _different_ scenarios.

no, this one is completely different because it's not about paging
"through" resources, it's simply about a web page linking to, say, a next
chapter and a previous chapter of a book. but they are all, by definition,
well-identified resources with their own URIs.

>>as long as stable representations are being served, byte requests are
>> working fine for any media type.
>Maybe that's the point: what's for you binary safe representation of a

it needs to be a stable graph-to-bytes function, so that the byte sequence
is a safe thing to request parts of the graph. canonical xml
( has done that for xml, and there must be
something for rdf somewhere, because without this, it's pretty much
impossible to implement very basic utility functions such as hashes and
signatures. but notive that this is a non-trivial thing to do: developing
canonical xml took quite a bit of effort, because of the difference in
abstraction layers between "just talking about trees", and the necessity
to talk about resources you can use in basic crypto operations.



Received on Monday, 11 February 2013 18:38:29 UTC