Re: Normative/Informative status of the spec

On 11/2/14, 8:04 AM, "Cyril Concolato"
<> wrote:

>Le 02/11/2014 12:05, Silvia Pfeiffer a écrit :
>> Works for me. It think it will clarify the language.
>Thanks Silvia. A few additional points for the rest of the group
>(because you probably know them).
>The CG spec was briefly discussed at the end of the HTML WG's meeting at
>TPAC. I basically indicated that the spec was there, reminded its
>intent, that it needed review and I invited anyone to participate and in
>particular browser vendors. I asked the question of which wording we
>should use.
>It was pointed out that the HTML5 REC references our spec (!) in an
>informative view, so we can do whatever we want.

If the WG is OK with normative language in the sourcing spec then I think
that is a good idea.

>> Silvia.
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 4:18 AM, Cyril Concolato
>> <> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> During the discussion on a bug [1] and associated pull request [2], the
>>> question of the status of our spec was raised. Bob mentioned a previous
>>> discussion with the HTML WG chairs [3]. The assumption in that thread
>>> that our group wants "to publish [a spec] along the same lines as the
>>> Source Extensions Byte Stream Format Registry" was published and
>>> from the MSE specification.".
>>> If we want Web applications to be able to use in-band tracks in
>>> interoperably, according to our spec, we need to be able to check
>>> conformance to our spec. For that, we need to have normative
>>>statements in
>>> our spec. Currently, the spec is in my opinion too soft about that. In
>>> view, if an implementation decides to support both our spec and a
>>> media resource format (say MP4), then it shall expose tracks according
>>> our spec.
>>> This does not seem to me contradictory to the discussion with the HTML
>>> chairs because if you look at the ISOBMFF byte stream format for MSE
>>>[4], it
>>> does indeed use normative statements such as:
>>> "The user agent must support setting the offset from media ..."
>>> "These boxes must be accepted and ignored by the user agent ..."
>>> So, my recommendation would be to rephrase our spec to be clearer as
>>>to what
>>> UA shall/should/should not/may ... do using normative statements.
>>>What's the
>>> opinion of the group here ?
>>> Cyril
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3] 
>>> [4]
>>> --
>>> Cyril Concolato
>>> Multimedia Group / Telecom ParisTech
>>> @cconcolato
>Cyril Concolato
>Multimedia Group / Telecom ParisTech

Received on Sunday, 2 November 2014 15:30:08 UTC