i18n ITS minutes 2006-01-25

Hi all,

The minutes of yesterday's call are at


and below as text.

Regards, Felix.


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                         i18n ITS working group

25 Jan 2006



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2006/01/25-i18nits-irc


           Christian, Diane, Felix, Goutam, Richard, Yves

           Sebastian, Andrejz




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]action items
          2. [6]Discussion
          3. [7]next meeting
      * [8]Summary of Action Items

action items

    <scribe> ACTION: Andrejz to start an article about the relations
    between various standards. (ONGOING) [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: Christian and Felix to rephrase the conformance
    section (ONGOING) [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: Everybody to follow new syntax (ONGOING) [recorded
    in [11]http://www.w3.org/2006/01/25-i18nits-minutes.html#action03]

    sebastian did this in new odd stylesheets

    <scribe> ACTION: Felix to send a mail to the member list about the
    friday deadline of the tec plenary registration (DONE) [recorded in

    Yves: how many people are comming?

    Felix: now 4

    <scribe> ACTION: Yves and all others to come up with a list of ITS
    products. (DONE) [recorded in

    <YvesS> [14]http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2761

      [14] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2761

    Yves: how do you check the conformance of a schema?

    Felix: just by running a schema validator on an instance

    Christian: That might not be enough

    Yves: e.g. the syntax of a selector would not be checked
    ... for example we don't check the content of the XPath attributes
    ... we would not be able to validate the XPath

    Christian: I don't think a schema validation would go into semantics

    felix: this product is only for schema authors

    yves: for felix and mine mails, there is an idea for one and more
    ... one to check rendering of ITS e.g. for ruby and bidi
    ... some people might use ITS just for this purpose

    Christian: we are delivering more than a markup scheme

    felix: you are right, I just would like to have the schema as a
    separate level

    yves: so what are further semantics?

    felix: I would say the ITS processor is for the selection

    felix: the visualization is another possible product

    yves: could we do this for the conformance section?

    felix: yes we could do both in the conformance section

    yves: the other question is whether we need a basic conformance,
    e.g. only "translate" attribute
    ... is it unwise to have a product which has only the "translate"
    attribute without selectors?

    felix: I think so

    christian: we should distinguish between various processors:
    ... reading of ITS markup
    ... writing of ITS markup
    ... reading is e.g. validation
    ... the next level down would be some of the intended semantics
    ... some for visualizatoin
    ... some for selection

    yves: we need to put down a definition of the products
    ... we should bring conformance and products together

    ... Christian and Felix will work on that

    <scribe> ACTION: Yves to set up wiki page for Andrejz, and Andrjez
    to write about inline versus other markup (DONE) [recorded in


      [16] http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0601ReqInlineElements

    <YvesS> [17]http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0601ReqInlineElements

      [17] http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0601ReqInlineElements

    Yves: nothing has happened so far

    Christian: I would like to push this requirement
    ... I would like to cover this requirement in the next working draft
    ... that is, a data category for identifying inline elements
    ... having this, would enable us to have a statement about the
    update of the working draft

    Yves: that would be good
    ... it is simple to write the requirement, and also the data

    felix: you just would defind a different XPath expression

    Yves: yes, and other defaults

    felix: it is only approximation without a schema
    ... XPath can always miss examples

    <scribe> ACTION: All to look at parameters for the f2f around www
    conference or xtech. (ONGOING) [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: felix to put up an agenda for the tech plenary f2f
    [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: All to think about f2f at tech plenary and see if
    they can make it or not. (ONGOING) [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: Christian to write a non-normative section on
    scope, at the beginning of the scope section. (ONGOING) [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: Owners of the modularizations to keep working on
    them. (ONGOING) [recorded in

    felix: I am working on an XQuery implementation
    ... and on a documentation for xmlspec
    ... let's have the documentation for all implemenations (TEI,
    xmlspec, ..) in the next wd

    yves: docbook is ongoing

    <scribe> ACTION: Sebastian to change the processing system for ODD.
    (DONE) [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: (medium term): Yves to explore constraint support
    in CSS and possibly contact a CSS guru. (PENDING) [recorded in

    <scribe> ACTION: Yves to Update the Requirement wiki list and
    status. (DONE) [recorded in

    yves: I started working on the techniques draft






    <scribe> ACTION: felix to mark the resolved issues in bugzilla as
    done [recorded in

    yves: 2551, 2552, 2556, 2558
    ... 2618: we postpone this one for later
    ... 2619: is part of the discussion on conformance
    ... we have to decide whether we want a level of simple conformance
    ... that is, with only "translate" attribute, without selector

    felix: is that not too simple?

    christian: we could have a test case where we just want to check
    translate="yes" and translate="no" values

    yves: that is s.t. people want to do, I think
    ... the question is if a document could just have a translate
    attribute and nothing else
    ... somebody may want to implement an ITS processor with that
    ... my fear is that we have to decide if we have this simple level

    felix: that might lead to interoperability problems

    Yves: we have to continue the discussion here
    ... 2620: is the same question, 2621 as well

    2719: namespace issue

    Yves: it does not work in some cases, where it should work

    felix: how about having a MUST to use only qualifed names

    yves: if the vocabulary has no namespaces, what do we do?

    felix: how about forbidding a default namespace?

    <scribe> ACTION: Yves to write examples of qualified and
    non-qualified vocabularies for bug
    [29]http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2719 recorded in

      [29] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2719

    yves: [31]http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2761 is

      [31] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2761



    yves: the vote will be on the 22 feb (wednesday)
    ... we could vote via mail

    richard: we don't have to make a big deal of this

    yves: o.k.

    <scribe> ACTION: everybody to read the spec and comment on the spec
    until the publication date (ONGOING) [recorded in

next meeting

    yves: wil be on the same channel, i18nits

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: felix to put up an agenda for the tech plenary f2f
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Yves to write examples of qualified and non-qualified
    vocabularies for bug
    [35]http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2719 recorded in

      [35] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2719

    [PENDING] ACTION: (medium term): Yves to explore constraint support
    in CSS and possibly contact a CSS guru. [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: All to look at parameters for the f2f around www
    conference or xtech. [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: All to think about f2f at tech plenary and see if
    they can make it or not. [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Andrejz to start an article about the relations
    between various standards. [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Christian and Felix to rephrase the conformance
    section [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Christian to write a non-normative section on
    scope, at the beginning of the scope section. [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Everybody to follow new syntax [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: everybody to read the spec and comment on the spec
    until the publication date [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Owners of the modularizations to keep working on
    them. [recorded in

    [DONE] ACTION: felix to mark the resolved issues in bugzilla as
    [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: Felix to send a mail to the member list about the
    friday deadline of the tec plenary registration [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: Sebastian to change the processing system for ODD.
    [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: Yves and all others to come up with a list of ITS
    products. [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: Yves to set up wiki page for Andrejz, and Andrjez to
    write about inline versus other markup [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: Yves to Update the Requirement wiki list and status.
    [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [52]scribe.perl version 1.127
     ([53]CVS log)
     $Date: 2006/01/26 12:52:40 $

      [52] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
      [53] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2006 12:55:04 UTC