[ESW Wiki] Update of "geoUnicodeConsiderationsWhenUpgrading" by DavidClarke

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The following page has been changed by DavidClarke:

  Ensure that any file fragments that are included the web page, eg using technologies such as Apache SSI (server-side includes), where they will share the encoding of the parent page, are saved with the correct file type/encoding. The fragment encodings must match the parent web file encodings and upgrading to Unicode must happen simultaneously.
+ [[DRC
+ ==== Forms ====
+ Server side applications, which deal with data returned from a form, must be able to deal with Unicode, or may need to be adapted before upgraded pages containing forms are published.
+ ]]
  === Further reading ===
     * [http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-who-uses-unicode FAQ: Who uses Unicode?]

Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2005 15:52:56 UTC