[ESW Wiki] Update of "geoUnicodeConsiderationsWhenUpgrading" by DavidClarke

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The following page has been changed by DavidClarke:

  Slightly heavier
  '''QUERY FOR (DRC): did you mean the following RFC? [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3629.txt?number=3629 RFC: UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646] I couldn't find the useful bit you mentioned re weight. Could you point me to it. ALSO QUERY FOR ALL - should we point to a page weight tool here.'''
+ [[DRC I was mistaken in the original source, but this may be of use http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/unicode/library/utfencodingforms/index.html#h2 ]]
     * Latin languages: characters, eg, e acute, outside the ASCII range (128 codepoints), are represented by one byte in ISO-8859-1, but typically two bytes in UTF-8, so a small, but acceptable, increase in page size should be expected.

Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2005 15:44:10 UTC