RE: Gitter room for Hydra

On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 12:13 AM, Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:
> 2015-09-28 21:38 GMT+02:00 Markus Lanthaler:
>> It certainly looks nice, but what do we need it for? We do have an IRC
>> channel that we basically never used.
> "We do have an IRC channel is never used" is a pretty good reason why
> Gitter should be considered.

Is it? :-)

> IRC is, unfortunately, not a very
> accessible protocol. I can't guarantee that Gitter will be much more
> popular, but it's easier for people to find and access and I can at
> least guarantee that I will be there. It's like IRC, only with a
> pretty decent HTML interface that integrates very deeply with GitHub
> (direct linking of issues, markdown support, etc).

Yeah, it looks quite nice. But I don't think we have a need for it at this stage. I do not know anyone who works on Hydra fulltime. Almost everyone I know spends just a few hours a week in their breaks or leisure time. Having to catch up on multiple channels on those breaks is counterproductive. It also becomes more difficult to have everything properly archived and more difficult to find stuff.

>> I'm a bit worried adding yet another communication channel. 
> Shut down the IRC channel, then. :)

I can't, it's the W3C IRC server :-)

>> IMHO the mailing list and GitHub issues cover our needs quite well.
> They indeed do, but don't cover the real-time informational needs,
> chit-chat and short, possibly stupid questions (I know I have a few).

Who would be hanging out on that channel apart from Asbjørn (a simple "me" as reply is enough)?


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 20:41:14 UTC