Re: Proposed extension to HTML5.1 for rollup captions

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Travis Leithead <> wrote:

> > From: Silvia Pfeiffer []
> >
> > I'm looking for feedback on this feature here. If there are no objections
> > and sufficient support for these features, I suggest adding them to the
> > HTML5.1 specification.
> I'm very cautious about immediately merging this feature back into
> HTML5.1. I believe the best course of action is to keep this feature
> separate from the HTML5.1 spec (as a stand-alone document) as it allows
> easier review, as well as time to get consensus and develop the proposal
> based on feedback.

Agreed. I was suggesting it as an extension specification, not something
that would need to land immediately.

> Given that there is some time elapsed between now and when you can get
> sufficient support, then I don't object to merging it in. I would prefer to
> have at least a month or two to have time to gather all the right people
> together, perform the review, summarize and submit (and have time for you
> to incorporate any feedback).

Certainly. I would like to ask for a bug tracker component for the proposed
TextTrackRegion extensions, so people can provide feedback. I'm not in a
rush to land it.


Received on Sunday, 24 February 2013 03:22:47 UTC