Re: use of placeholder as a label for an input

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 7:29 PM, Steve Faulkner <>wrote:

> Hi Silvia,
> I already defined in API guide how the placeholder attribute should be
> used in accessible name calculation [1] (may need to be updated as I wrote
> the rules a while back)

Ah ok, I missed that. That sounds good.

>Or is your concern more about the "labels in text boxes" approach and that
> we need a recommendation to avoid that and instead recommend placeholder?
> What i would like to ensure is that the HTML spec provides the best
> guidance for authors on use of placeholder. What form that guidance should
> take is still under discussion.

My thoughts are that the placeholder part is well defined, but since people
may have used "label"  in the past to fulfill the function of @placeholder,
it may make sense to add a sentence to the <label> section stating when to
prefer @placeholder over <label>.

However, I'm not overly concerned about this. I think it's a new(ish)
interface paradigm and people are quickly getting used to it. So, the
misunderstandings will quickly go away.


Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2013 08:42:48 UTC