RE: HTML 5 (sic) and A11y

Hi Sam, 

you wrote:

>I will note that the W3C has not moved to a living standards model. 
>Unless somebody wants to advocate that the W3C do so, I would like to 
>suggest that anybody who wishes to discuss this topic further do so 
>elsewhere.  At the very minimum, please drop public-html from the cc list

Good and +!

Given that W3C is now thinking about a logo for HTML5, perhaps it is time to differentiate between HTML5(W3C) and HTML5(WHATWG). Perhaps the former co-chair Chris Wilson of Microsoft and I foresaw this moment [1]. 

The recommendation would be that the living spec be called (at least by the standards body) 
HTML 5.<span style="text-decoration: overline">5</span>. I can imagine a very cool logo for that (it would, of course, use both recursion and SMIL and rewrite itself dynamically!).



Received on Monday, 24 January 2011 15:20:29 UTC