Re: Comparing conformance requirements against real-world docs

On Aug 30, 2008, at 11:31, Philip TAYLOR wrote:

> Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> Those had the http or https URI scheme (a promiscuous self-signing- 
>> accepting certificate handler was used for https), returned text/ 
>> html as Content-Type and 200 as the response status.
>> So yes, this set did contain pseudo-XHTML. But note that HTML5  
>> makes the most common pseudo-XHTML talismans conforming and tree  
>> builder-level doctype errors didn't count.
> Thanks, Henri : would it be possible (i.e., easy)
> to partition the statistics on the basis of DOCTYPE ?

I didn't record this data. I did, however, record data about the  
document mode (quirks, standards, almost standards), which is a pretty  
good indicator of Transitional vs. Strict but doesn't say anything  
about XHTML 1.0 vs. HTML 4.01.  I also have output of an HTML 4.01  
Transitional validation run without this data waiting for further  

I'll record this data if I rerun the study.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 4 September 2008 06:39:55 UTC