Re: Proposal for Keyboard Shortcuts for HTML5

Hi Maciej and Sander,

On Sep 22, 2007, at 2:07 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

> On Sep 21, 2007, at 10:52 PM, Sander Tekelenburg wrote:
> [.... discussion of Maciej's character based proposal ...]

I read through these dialogs and I think Maciej's proposal is  
entirely the wrong place to begin the conversation. The wiki proposal  
deals with these issues in a much more complete deals than this  
proposal. It allows for cascading, it allows for richer application  
key bindings, etc. It lets the user remain in control of key  
bindings. It allows authors a rich ability to assign key bindings.

I see very little in Maciej's proposal (other than the use of the  
command element which I've now added to the wiki) that isn't handled  
better by the proposal on the wiki.

Incidentally, on the issue of the command element, I'm still not  
clear what this element does, and from the conversation i don't think  
its clear to others as well. tried to start a conversation about the  
proposed command element before, but no one has provided any use  
cases for it. I think something like the select element would be more  
familiar to authors and not reinvent the wheel, but I can't really  
tell what the command element is adding so I can't say that  

No you say that the menu element takes command element. However, the  
draft says that men elements take li elements, so I don't know how to  
read that.  Its not clear to me how thee menu element gets associated  
with the command element.

I think adding a key binding mechanism that supersedes the current  
accesskey is a good idea, however, I think we should address many  
more of the objections to accesskey than Maciej's proposal does. I  
also think we shouldn't make HTML needlessly complicated by adding so  
many redundant elements.

Take care,

Received on Saturday, 22 September 2007 08:58:42 UTC