Re: Unscoped <style> found outside the <head>

<style scoped> would handle this use case.  A feed aggregator that  
did the stitching together of multiple feeds would want to add the  
scoped attribute if missing to any <style> elements from individual  
feed fragments anyway (to avoid style collisions between different  

The "stitching together" use case is where scoped style really  
shines.  I am proposing that <style scoped> would still be conformant  
if used outside the <head>, but that an unscoped <style> would not  
(because of its dangerous property of applying to the entire page  
content, which is virtually never what the author actually intended).


On May 27, 2007, at 1:23 AM, Alan Dean wrote:

> Dave,
> If I understand the nature of the markup constraint that you request,
> would this not make html5 fragments much harder to work with, in the
> context of RSS / Atom / etc feeds? The author does not control the
> <head> element in that case, and so would be unable to apply any
> inline styling to 'html5 conforming' fragments. Or am I missing
> something?
> Regards,
> Alan Dean

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2007 08:55:55 UTC