Re: Substitutions for site/path in SRC,HREF

Mark Birbeck schrieb:
> Hi Dão,
>> Dmitry, you tend to invent whole new sub- and super-languages in your
>> proposals. Please try to stick with the markup language and DOM patterns
>> as we know them today.
> I don't understand why you think it's justified to be so patronising.
> No-one is asking you to reply to Dmitry's emails--you're free to
> ignore them--but if you are replying, stick to the content.

Thanks, but I didn't want to ignore them. That's why I read them and 
replied. I did stick to the content; namely, I was criticizing the 
creation of new parsing rules out of the blue.

> Why do you
> think it's legitimate to tell someone how they should phrase their
> ideas, or what they should limit their vision to?

First, I don't really care how someone phrases his ideas, and I wonder 
why you think I did. Second, Dmitry should keep his visions by all 
means. Though, if he tries to be consistent "with the markup language 
and DOM patterns as we know them today", it's more likely that his ideas 
will be adopted.

> Is 'only do what can
> already be done' another of these design principles we hear so much
> about?

I do think some of Dmitry's ideas violate our design principles, if that 
was your question.


Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 10:25:56 UTC