Re: Author incentives for accessibility

Matthew Raymond wrote:

>    Are you suggesting that we design HTML5 around the accessibility laws
> of every country and municipality on Earth? Because if that's the case,
> we're going to need a lot more lawyers on this mailing list...

I can't answer for Henrik Dvergsdal, but speaking solely for myself
I believe that HTML 5 should be designed to accommodate the accessibility
requirements of as many people as possible.  In practice, we can be
guided by the accessibility legislation that is already in place in
(for example), Europe and North America.

What staggers me is that the Open Source movement wastes
uncountable hours worrying about licences, whilst some
members of this group seem blissfully unconcerned about the
far more real-world concerns regarding accessibility.

Philip Taylor

Received on Friday, 18 May 2007 11:21:15 UTC