Re: fear of "invisible metadata"

Maurice Carey wrote:

 > Did a search through the databases of 22 of our sites that use our image
 > gallery cms for the longest image descriptions/captions. I am quite certain
 > none of people who enter photos for our clients sites would ever write
 > anything so long for the purpose of it being used as invisible alt text
 > instead of as a visible caption. If it were being used as the title value
 > which is visible on mouse-over then I could see it being a possibility.

But if you were blind, would you be able to locate the image in order
to be able to move your mouse over it ?

 > I still say alt text should be visible as a tool tip in the absence of a
 > title and vice versa.

I don't want to get involved in any debate concerning how ALT text
should be rendered; I am only interested (at the moment) in what
accessibility experts believe makes for /good/ ALT text.

Philip Taylor

Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 15:50:00 UTC