Re: LONGDESC: some current problems and a proposed solution added to the wiki

Let me add one more to this list (for html <iframe> type use):

<object data='myhtml'>

On Jul 2, 2007, at 10:27 PM, Robert Burns wrote:

> On Jul 2, 2007, at 10:04 PM, Sander Tekelenburg wrote:
>> I remember Chris Wilson saying he will not fix IE bugs if it  
>> affects an
>> unspecified number of users. Basically that means that until IE  
>> disappears, a
>> new element like <picture> is *way* more realistic than pretending  
>> that
>> <object> will ever be interoperable.
> To be fair, I can't imagine how it would break any HTML in the wild  
> if IE and every other browser made these simplest forms of object  
> just work with reasonable default parameters :
<object data='myimage'>

<object data='myvideo'>

<object data='myaudio'>

<object title="my way cool 2d animated drawing" type='image/canvas'>

(obviously only for browsers that already support the canvas API or  
have suitable plugin to draw on)

<object data=myflash'>

> Am I just being too naive?
> Take care,
> Rob

Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2007 04:19:01 UTC