Multilanguage alt/title

Hello WG !

I found yesterday night an issue about multilanguage alt and title :
example :
<span lang="fr">Lorem ipsum <abbr title="National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (Administration nationale de l'aéronautique et de
l'espace)">NASA</abbr> sit dolor amet</span>.

As you can see, i'm in a situation where, in a french sentence, i have
an abbreviation thas is used in french (so I don't need to apply a
@lang to my abbr) but who's long version is in english. And as far as
some of my readers don't read english, i provide them with a
tranlsated version of the abbreviation.

How could we indicate (to page readers) the language of a part of a
title or alt ?

Perhaps an attribute @titlelang end @altlang (like @hreflang) that
will take language code and ponctuation séparations. Language code an
ponctuation have to be separated by withe spaces.

Examples :
<abbr title="National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(Administration nationale de l'aéronautique et de l'espace)"
titlelang="en ( fr )">NASA</abbr>
<acronym title="Working Group - groupe de travail" titlelang="en -

The white space separator between language codes and ponctuation is
important because of fr-fr language codes...

Olivier G.

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2007 08:21:38 UTC