{agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-08-27 *PLEASE-READ*

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on
2009-08-27 for 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.


Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00, New
Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.

*  The last several meetings have required the full hour.  I     *
*  don't expect this one to be any different.  Given that this   *
*  is precious time for 15-20 participants, let's make every     *
*  minute count.  What I ask is that if you are interested in a  *
*  particular item that you read the parts of this email that    *
*  are associated with that item and to assume that everybody    *
*  else who is interested in the has also read that text.        *

Chair of the meeting: Sam Ruby

agenda+ pick a scribe

agenda+ open / pending review action items


Topic: Issue-4/Action-108 html-versioning / Larry Masinter

   Recommendation: close action 108; demote issue to raised.
   Note that the TAG will be discussing the issue this week and
   late September, though the outlook for a proposal is unclear.


   Should others be interested in taking an action item and bring
   forward a proposal, they are welcome to do so.

Topic: Issue-10/Action-135 video-smil / Mike Smith

   Current status appears to be that the spec doesn't meet SYMM's
   needs, but those needs have not been enumerated.  We need
   somebody to follow up with Dick Bulterman and report back.

Topic: Issue-13/Action-86 handling-http-401-status / Julian Reschke

   Draft appears to have expired:


   Maciej recommends closing:


   Julian was going to seek feedback from John Kemp, now that is
   complete, can we close this item?

Topic: Issue-74/Action-132 canvas-accessibility / Steve Faulkner

   My understanding is that two date two calls have been made, and
   people feel like good progress is being made.  Is there anything
   that the group working on this needs?  Maciej suggests a new target
   of end of September.  Is this OK?


Topic: Issue-35/Action-138 aria-processing / Steve Faulkner

   I assume that this action can now be closed given than a matrix has
   been incorporated into the working draft?


   What's the next action?

agenda+ orphan issues (issues kept open from last meeting without
    an owner)

Topic: Issue-9 video-synchronization / Chris Wilson

   Action item?  Close?

Topic: Issue-11 default-encoding / Shawn Medero

   Action item? Close?

Issue-37 html-svg-mathml / Adrian Bateman

   At a minimum, this issue should be demoted to raised.  It still
   needs an action item or to be closed.

agenda+ raised (and nominated for closure)

   One final call for volunteers to take action items for the
   following issues which have been nominated for closure on 2009-09-03.

   ISSUE-48: UA-q-quotes / Shawn Medero
   ISSUE-60: html5-xhtml-namespace / Shawn Medero
   ISSUE-66: image analysis heuristics / Matthew May

   I'll also note that the following were in Maciej's list and now are
   pending review and also scheduled to be closed on 2009-09-03:

   ISSUE-51: aria-curie / Mike Smith
   ISSUE-53: mediatypereg / Julian Reschke
   ISSUE-54: doctype-legacy-compat / Julian Rescke
   ISSUE-61: conformance-language / Dan Connolly
   ISSUE-64: web-sockets-scope-req / Dan Connolly

agenda+ creation of an HTML Accessibility Task Force / Mike Cooper


   The concerns I've heard against this relate to IP (which I believe
   are solvable) and cross-posting confusion.  Arguments for this include
   public-html being a firehose, and a tendency for subgroups that don't
   have a mailing list to migrate off the web entirely and into private

   Did I miss any points of view?  How do we resolve?

agenda+ Discuss the change in chairs / Maciej/Paul/Sam


Dial-in and IRC details:

      Zakim teleconference bridge
       +1.617.761.6200, +, +44.117.370.6152
       code: HTML (4865)

      Supplementary IRC chat (logged)
        #html-wg on irc.w3.org port 6665 or port 80

- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2009 16:05:05 UTC