Re: [EXI] SC fragment

Hello Santhanakrishnan,

Thank you very much for you continuing interest in EXI.

>         In the Built-in Element grammar definition, in the semantics for SC
> fragment step 6, it is mentioned that the sequence of events have to be
> processed according to a Fragment grammar. Here is mentions the sequence as
> (SD, SE(qname), content, ED). But I may also have NS, AT or directly CH
> events following this SC event in which case My Fragment
> or FragmentContent grammar has no means to process it. How this case will be
> handled ?
>     Also the sequence of events should also consider NS, AT, CH events and I
> will have a sequence like this (SD, [NS], [AT], [CH/SE(qname)], [content],
> ED).

Regarding the SC Fragment case there seems to be a misunderstanding.

Step 4 in the referred semantics section speaks about a preceding SE
qname. This qname is appearing once again in the SC fragment part. The
SC fragment itself is encoded as familiar EXI fragment with the qname
as the *root* element.

Let me give you a simple example where you have selfContained
fragments for each page in a document


   ... otherPages ...

The EXI events stream reads as follows:
SD SE(document) SE(page) SC SD SE(page) ...pageContent... EE ED  EE
...otherPages... EE ED

Hope this helps,

-- Daniel

> regards
> Santhanakrishnan

Received on Friday, 8 August 2008 16:35:54 UTC