Re: Valid XML

Hi Brian, Jim, Bjoern and the others,

Le 05-05-19 à 03:58, Brian Kelly a écrit :
> Within the W3C world, related concerns are being raised (e.g. the  
> panel
> session at WWW 2005 on Web Services Considered Harmful; the XML  
> Futures
> session in which the complexities of the XML family of specs was  
> discussed).

Yes that's normal, it's part of any discussions. Contradictions,  
different point of views help to move forward.

> So a question is: if the real world sticks with browken (X)HTML,  
> what should
> the eanglists do: keep pushing the same line; take on board the  
> real world
> reluctanace to go down our preferred route - or something else?

But there's something which worries me in your demonstration. The  
real world is using XHTML 1.0, sometimes not respecting exactly the  
rules of the specification (which have issues too).
But the same thing is true for HTML 4.01

     Among HTML 4.01 in the world, how many are valid?
     Among XHTML 1.0 in the world, how many are valid?

It will not tell us if the language is used in a conformant way, but  
it might say that people who decide to use XHTML 1.0 are more careful  
or don't care like it was the case for HTML 4.01.

We are not in a position where it's a failure, I would say it's more  
a kind of "using it my own way"

Maybe a more interesting question would be if as you say we focus on  
_real world_ usage:

What are the problems of XHTML 1.0 which makes it impossible to use  
in your Web site?

(not talking about Spec theory, but really practical issues, real  
world, as you said. In my daily usage of XHTML 1.0, I have none, but  
I'm not maybe the best person to know all problems.)

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2005 17:54:09 UTC