Re: XHTML 2.0 and Semantics

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Rousskov" <>

> Does the gap between W3C and
> reality grow with every new draft?

Considering that reality is abusing HTML into a plethora of device dependant
visual effects, not bothering with validation and semantic value-add - yes
there is a gap between W3C and that reality. Has there every been a point
where that gap didn't exist?

If it is widening then there are two possible scenarios:
1.) The W3c doesn't understand what the World Wide Web offers to its users
2.) Website owners don't see the global advantages being offered.

> If yes, what can W3C evangelists do about it?

Focus on why its to the visitor's - thus indirectly the website owner's -
benefit to adopt recommendations as a starting point. Its a catch-22 really,
we need lots of valid and semantically based content to demonstrate the
global-scale usefulness of it, but people want to see the benefits before
making their content semantically useful.

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2003 11:27:10 UTC