Re: Ordering concepts in a Tree display / possibly more than a sort key

Hi Stella!

Thank you for the precision and excuse me for overlooking the ISO 25954 
The problem I see is the same than with SKOS when displaying a tree:
* Is the concept in any skos:orderedCollection / iso:ThesaurusArray?
* If in multiple ones, which one applies?
* If only one, does it applies here?
I feel that mechanism as heavy and difficult for everybody (the 
programmer and the thesaurus maintainers)

My proposal to your objection would be to have also a siblingKey 
attribute in SKOS relation "isTopConceptOf" (which would then have to 
reified in RDF like broader...)
(and in ISO 25954 element TopLevelRelationship)

Have a nice day!


Le 7/02/2011 10:33, Stella Dextre Clarke a écrit :
> On 07/02/2011 08:34, Christophe Dupriez wrote:
>> Hi!
>> If SKOS community wants to go further than one concept attribute for 
>> what I would propose to call a "siblingKey" (a value used to sort 
>> sibling concepts), an attribute to the broader relation is therefore 
>> needed.
>> This would be easy in XML (ISO 25954 but I do not see any ordering 
>> information in the HierarchicalRelationship element)
> Hi Christophe,
> Just a small clarification in case it is not clear. The ISO 25964-1 
> data model *does* provide for ordering of the sibling concepts in 
> "ThesaurusArray". The ability to sort siblings into a systematic order 
> is not seen as part of the hierarchical relationship per se, since 
> even a flat list, or the top level of a vocabulary, might need to be 
> ordered.
>  But the nature of the sorting mechanism to use is left open.
> Stella
> -- 
> *****************************************************
> Stella Dextre Clarke
> Information Consultant
> Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
> Tel: 01235-833-298
> Fax: 01235-863-298
> *****************************************************

Received on Monday, 7 February 2011 09:55:15 UTC