Re: [PORT] new editor's working draft of SKOS Core Vocab Spec wrote:

>Hi All,
>There is a problem: Folksonomies are not a Controlled Vocabulary.
My view is that they are controlled, just in a different way. On my blog 
I control my keywords / categories, and arrange them in a basic 
hierarchy. On flickr, I do the same with my "tags" that I assign to 
photos. In both contexts I do this with some thought for how they relate 
to the categories used by my friends and colleagues. And in both cases, 
there are tools to expose these categories in RDF/SKOS. They're 
certainly not controlled in the classic library sense, but they are 
organised; sometimes carefully, sometimes carelessly. The weblog case is 
more clearly "controlled vocabulary" than Flickr (based only on current 
UI). This is because in my blog, when I post an article via Wordpress, 
it offers me a list of my existing categories as the options for 
categorising a post. On Flickr there is a free-text entry field instead. 
But UIs can change easily: the practice in both systems leads people to 
use the same category/keyword over again.

Short version: folksonomies are "locally-controlled vocabularies", perhaps?


Received on Sunday, 9 October 2005 16:42:10 UTC