Re: EOCred: recognition of credential

Thanks Fritz, I think we agree that accreditation goes beyond 
recognition. Can I check whether you agree or disagree with Stuart's 
statements that:

1. accreditation is a kind of recognition [a higher form, if you like]

2. accreditedBy could in future be a subproperty of recognizedBy

Thanks, Phil

On 10/04/18 17:58, Fritz Ray wrote:
> I would posit that recognition is a different type of action than 
> accreditation. Recognition asserts that this organization consumes the 
> specified credential, whereas accreditation projects an organization's 
> authority onto the credential, saying not only do they recognize it, 
> but that if you recognize the organization's authority, your 
> organization should too recognize it.
> I think the observation that Recognition is a subproperty of 
> Accreditation is accurate, but the action of accreditation, I believe, 
> is distinct (and superior).
> As an example from: 
> /In 2012, the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and American 
> Psychological Association (APA) through its Commission on 
> Accreditation (CoA) approved and signed the First Street Accord. *The 
> accord is a mutual recognition agreement on accreditation.* It 
> demonstrates that the APA CoA views the accreditation standards and 
> principles of the CPA as equivalent to the Commission on 
> Accreditation's guidelines and principles. Similarly, the CPA views 
> the accreditation guidelines and principles of the Commission on 
> Accreditation as equivalent to the accreditation standards and 
> principles of the CPA. This mutual recognition agreement applies only 
> to the accreditation activities each association undertakes in its own 
> country. *It is an agreement that recognizes the equivalence of the 
> systems of accreditation of the CPA and APA and does not confer any 
> reciprocal accreditation status on any of the programs they accredit.*/
> /*
> */
> I have trouble parsing the above, but what I believe they state is 
> that they recognize the equivalence of their practices (and may 
> therefore largely recognize each others awarded credentials) but do 
> not cross-accredit the credentials.
> Recognition is also a big deal in international degree transfer, but 
> I'm not versed very well on the specific mechanics of that area.
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 6:05 AM, Phil Barker < 
> <>> wrote:
>     On 10/04/18 13:59, Stuart Sutton wrote:
>>     Phil, given that accreditation is a kind of recognition, there
>>     would be nothing wrong definitionally in using only recognizedBy
>>     to encompass both; however, for many, the currency (labor market
>>     value) of a credential with accreditation is higher than with
>>     simple recognition. Perhaps propose recognizedBy as a property of
>>     EducationalOccupationalCredential now while holding open the
>>     possibility of later declaring accreditedBy as a subproperty of it.
>     Yes, that seems right to me.
>>     With the definition, perhaps something more inclusive such as
>>     "validity, value or utility" as opposed to just "validity".
>     Good idea, will do.
>     Phil
>>     On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 4:24 AM, Phil Barker
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>         I mentioned
>>         <>
>>         [1] in our discussion around name search for the
>>         credentialing organization that there were several
>>         relationships possible between an educational occupational
>>         credential and an organization as well as offeredBy. Two of
>>         these, accreditedBy and recognizedBy, relate to our use case
>>         about quality assurance
>>         <>
>>         and labor market value
>>         <>
>>         [2].
>>         With the aim of keeping the number of properties to a
>>         minimum, can we treat accreditation as a form of recognition?
>>         Should we add recognizedBy as a property of
>>         EducationalOccupationalCredential?
>>         Definition: An organization that acknowledges the validity of
>>         a credential.
>>         Note: This recognition may include a process of quality
>>         assurance or accreditation.
>>         Examples:
>>         <law degree> recognizedBy <bar association>
>>         <certificate> recognizedBy <trade body>
>>         <mba degree> recognizedBy <AMBA>
>>         Phil
>>         1.
>>         <>
>>         2. Use cases:
>>         <>
>>         -- 
>>         Phil Barker <>.
>>         PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance
>>         learning; information systems for education.
>>         CETIS LLP: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in
>>         education technology.
>>         PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited
>>         company, number SC569282.
>>         CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership,
>>         registered in England number OC399090
>>     -- 
>>     Stuart A. Sutton, Metadata Consultant
>>     Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
>>        Information School
>>     Email: <>
>>     Skype: sasutton
>     -- 
>     Phil Barker <>.
>     PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance
>     learning; information systems for education.
>     CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy
>     for innovation in education technology.
>     PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited
>     company, number SC569282.
>     CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered
>     in England number OC399090


Phil Barker <>.
PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.
CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy for 
innovation in education technology.

PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
number SC569282.
CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
England number OC399090

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 07:50:29 UTC