Re: [calendar] Editor's Draft of Calendar API

Le vendredi 22 janvier 2010 à 15:10 +0100, a écrit :
> The first editor's draft of the Calendar API is now available:

I think this is a great start, thanks!

A few early comments:
• converting all date and times into UTC timestamps prevents having
recurring events in a given timezone; typically, our DAP WG calls are
recurring in the US Eastern Timezone, but I don't know that you could
create such an event with the current API (nor how they would get
converted to the relevant object by an implementation)

• recurrent events need to have exceptions; the Nokia API had 
"attribute sequence<DOMTimeStamp> exceptionDates;"

• recurrent events needs an interval (e.g. for events that occur every
two weeks): the Nokia API has it

• the Nokia API had also instanceStartTime for recurring events; I'm not
entirely sure if it's needed in addition to the base start/end times of
the base event

• I think CalendarOptions should probably be renamed to
CalendarSearchFilter (as a note suggested similarly in the contacts API)


Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2010 10:33:10 UTC