Re: RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 23 June 2016

Apologies for missing today's call, I am on a project meeting in Oxford
today and will not make it.

Please use the following votes for the issues on today's agenda

- Issue 41: I support Holger's proposal for the syntax path constraints
(removing sh:inverseProperty and having ah:property with either
sh:predicate as IRI or sh:path as a List as it was discussed last week)
- issue 168: I support accommodating Karen's use case, if the rdf:type
solution is not enough we can add syntactic shortcuts
- issue 68 - pre-binding: Peter's finding are quite interesting. If Peter
has a simple solution to fix pre-binding (i.e. with Values(), etc)  I'd
happy to +1 it, if this get complicated I would rather make SHACL core
defined correctly (e.g. fix sh:class etc that Peter suggested) and put some
warnings for the SPARQL extension mechanism
- issue 139, I have my votes on the proposal page but this is also
simplified a lot from the solution of issue 41
- issue 133, solution of issue 41 simplifies the syntax a lot

for other issues use my votes on the proposal page


On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 12:10 AM, Holger Knublauch <>

> I am currently blocked by a resolution to ISSUE-41
> about dropping sh:inverseProperty and using sh:predicate or sh:path. I
> would appreciate a short discussion on that so that I can proceed with
> updating the spec. Asking around in the last meeting, this seemed to be
> uncontroversial but we need a formal resolution. To clarify what I am
> talking about, the syntax of path constraints would be
> ex:MyShape
>     a sh:Shape ;
>     sh:property [
>         sh:path [ sh:inversePath ex:parent ] ;
>         ...
>     ] .
> Thanks,
> Holger
> On 23/06/2016 7:43, Arnaud Le Hors wrote:
> Here is the agenda for this week:
> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Technologies -
> IBM Cloud

Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association
Research Group: AKSW/KILT

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 07:41:56 UTC