Suggestion: sh:nodeType -> sh:nodeKind

It was good to see some efforts towards test cases. Before we can 
meaningfully do this, we need to agree on the high-level vocabulary to 
be used within those test cases.

As I start to look into filling an unfinished piece in my spec 
(sh:valueType), I noticed that we should rename sh:nodeType so that it 
doesn't conflict with the term "type" in the possible variations of 
sh:valueType, sh:datatype etc. Looking at the RDF spec [1], what we call 
the node types are introduced as:

"There can be three kinds ofnodes 
<>in anRDF graph 
<>, andblank nodes 

Question: Does anyone object to renaming sh:nodeType to sh:nodeKind? Any 
better proposals?



Received on Thursday, 26 March 2015 23:32:41 UTC