Re: STRAWPOLL on Approach for SHACL

* Arnaud Le Hors <> [2015-03-25 18:36-0700]
> There has been a lot (!) of discussion on the mailing list and I'd like to 
> get an update on where the WG stands with regard to the different 
> approaches being proposed. I know this doesn't capture all the issues 
> (obviously) and some will feel that this isn't the right question but at 
> least this is one point of contention that we need to address so, please, 
> bear with me.
> Rather than doing this just on a teleconference I set up a wiki page so 
> that who can't attend the teleconference can still respond:

The choices listed there are:

a. 1 doc: (vocab, extensions, semantics) with profiles
b. n docs: 1 vocab, 1+ for extensions, semantics

I have the impression that folks wanted the core semantics, with or
without SPARQL, separated from the templates and SPARQL extensions:

c. SHACL shall be made of multiple documents: one document which only
   defines the higher-level language constructs (provides semantics),
   and other documents which define the rest: templates and extension

As W3C Staff, this would be my preferred approach as it allows core to
proceed to REC without dependencies on (i.e. multiple interoperable
implementations of) templates and SPARQL integration.

> Thank you.
> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Technologies - 
> IBM Software Group


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Received on Thursday, 26 March 2015 15:36:48 UTC