Question of organization of Requirements wiki page

Two questions on the organization of the Requirements wiki page.

First, there is a section 2.6, “Complex Constraints”.

This section contains 11 constraints.

Some of them don’t seem particularly complex to me.

What does the title of the section mean? Should I not read to much into it, and simply see it as a bag of functionality that is supposed to be covered by the higher-level constructs?

Second, where there any decisions made yet about constructs that will go into the higher-level language, or constructs that will not go into the higher-level language?

If so, how can I see and identify those decisions in the Requirements wiki page?

(If not, maybe someone with strong opinions about the higher-level language could draft a strawman list of *uncontroversial* constructs that should be in there, for bulk approval in a future call?)


Received on Thursday, 5 March 2015 20:57:03 UTC