* Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> [2015-01-28 06:37-0800]
> I think that LDOM is not the kind of thing that this working group is
> supposed to be producing.  In LDOM you do not define shapes or constraints
> and say how they relate to existing classes and properties.  Instead in LDOM
> you define classes in a class hierarchy similar to the class hierarchy of
> RDFS, but different.  In LDOM you define properties at classes and provide
> local ranges and cardinalities for them, ignoring the domain and range
> mechanisms from RDFS.  This makes LDOM a new modeling language, different
> from RDF, from RDFS, and from every variant of OWL.  If there needs to be a
> new W3C modeling language, then the work should be done by a group set up
> for that purpose, not this group.

Would you feel differently if the spec referred to shapes instead of
classes? I suspect that's the most controversial part of LDOM (and I
haven't figured out how it's useful apart from dropping an arc on
global constraints).

> Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> Nuance Communications


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