Re: is/of feature of N3 in turtle/sparql?

Just to be perfectly clear, 

the key point I want to raise is that  at the moment depending on how "is" 
aliased, the statement  ":a is :b of :c."  may or may not
parse.  Similarly for   ":a is :b."    The "is" tokens in the two 
statements play entirely different roles. 

I am commenting specfically on n3 at the moment and need to look at the 
use on SPARQL before commenting further, other
than indicating my preference to avoid applying aliasing at tokenization 

Stan Devitt

Stan Devitt
05/28/2005 03:24 PM

        To:     Danny Ayers <>
        cc:     Dan Connolly <>, "Eric Prud'hommeaux" <>,,
        Subject:        Re: is/of feature of N3 in turtle/sparql?

There are two important things to note:

1.  The current n3 grammar defines this four term structure in terms of 
the tokens @is and @of.  This re-interpretatation in terms of "is" and 
"of" relies on

2.  Because  @is and @of participate in a very different grammatical 
structure from (say) simple name tokens this complicates the aliasing 
mechanism considerably.  There is now more than one possible grammatical 
role for the target of the alias so the actual tokenizing is changed by 
the aliasing. 

I would be happier if either aliasing were not involved, or at least did 
not change the tokenizing.  Can someone comment on this? 

Stan Devitt

Danny Ayers <>
Sent by:
05/28/2005 05:03 AM
Please respond to Danny Ayers

        To:     Dan Connolly <>
        cc:, "Eric Prud'hommeaux" <>, (bcc: Stan 
        Subject:        Re: is/of feature of N3 in turtle/sparql?

Dan, I've still not spent any proper time with cwm (for shame!), could
you please just clarify is/of:

* It's a convenience rather than introducing anything new? 

* Would this be correct -

select ?x where
:EricDoc dc:creator ?x

select ?x where
?x is dc:creator of :EricDoc

would produce the same results?


On 5/28/05, Dan Connolly <> wrote:
> I just realized the other day that SPARQL doesn't have is/of,
> nor does turtle...
> 22:48:25 <DanC> ^sparqlquery select ?pg where { [ foaf:nick "DanC"] is
> cyc:socialParticipants of [ contact:homePage ?pg] }
> 22:48:25 <julie> Bad query (SPARQL syntax error at 'i')
> 22:48:38 <dajobe> that's not in sparql - is, of
> 22:48:38 <DanC> oh frap. no is/of in SPARQL
> -48-25
> Hmm.
> I'm hoping the WG will close all the remaining issues, including
> ,
> in the next week or so. In particular, punctuiationSyntax is pretty
> much all set to go this Tuesday. So it would be good to get feedback
> on this right away. In particular, if you want is/of in, send
> something to .
> refs:
> N3 primer, on is/of etc.
> turtle
> --
> Dan Connolly, W3C


Received on Saturday, 28 May 2005 19:48:02 UTC